Monday, August 6, 2007


Last weekend was very interesting. We really didn't accomplish much due to the fact that no one in our house was healthy, but it did give me a lot of time to think. This won't make sense to some of you, but I think a lot of people can relate.

Friends are always an important part of a persons life. These blogs help many friends keep in touch and help us make new friends. We all exchange stories and thoughts to give others an idea of what is going in our worlds between phone calls or e-mails. The friends that don't have blogs have a more difficult time keeping in touch, but remember it is a two way street.....if only one side is puting forth effort it doesn't work. People will grow apart and that is just sad and it is a shame that good friends can let that happen. But after a while the one person that tries will give up because it is obviously a wasted effort!!! Thanks for the blog idea again Maggie and Cody.........I love it and enjoy keeping in touch with everyone. My family loves it too because they can see pics and hear stories that they wouldn't hear any other way. But, I don't think they will be blogging any time soon. I am working on my mom and sis though.

On another friend note..... Just because someone moves, changes occupations, gets married, or has kids...............IT DOESN'T CHANGE WHO THEY ARE!!!!!!!!! They are still the same person you have always known. That person's daily activities might change, but they are still the same. I have found that this is a common misconception (though it sounds rediculouse). If you are a friend, you are interested in keeping in touch no matter what happens and you are always there when it counts, even if you are just there to talk long distance.

I know that I usually have such chipper posts, but I had to vent to all of you that will listen. I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. We are going to make sure our week goes well. Make the best of what you have!!!!! That is what we live by. Thanks to all of you that are always there to listen and I wish everyone the best. I will have a happy post about today's activities (oh the list is long) tomorrow..........................


amy said...

I understand, Lori...Chin up, those that matter tend to stick around...and sometimes those that you think are gone, have a way of coming back around.

Moody Family said...

I hope you are right, but for now I have to keep on looking on the bright side of things. I have great friends (the Warners) that have been around Colin and I since we were kids. They have seen us change, grow and become the people we are today (Cody might say "grown up") and they are always around. There are the friends from high school along with college too. We have excellent family and are making new friends all of the time. the blogs are so neat too because new friends are always welcome. There is always room for more............

Maggie said...

oh lori i know you will never change wherever you are.... like i told you when i saw you.... you are still a little kid in that body wanting to go play!!! that's why colin is perfect for you, and so is being a mom.

love ya

Moody Family said...

Thanks Maggie....You are always there when I need you. But I just had an apiphony (spelled that wrong)!!!! Why would I want to make someone continue to be my friend, as Amy said good friends are always there, no matter what happens in your life. I don't want to make someone feel like they have to be in contact. Fly away!!!!!! Those people that don't want to be there should just Fly Away!!!!