Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh the fun!!!!!!!!

Santa left a huge pile of gifts for the boys.
Christmas was a complete success. On Christmas Eve we went over to my parents house in Meeteetse and had our traditional chili and oyster stew. There were so many gifts and even more wonderful food. Jason and Jake had a great time. It was so much fun that on the drive home, they both fell asleep, but not before we saw what resembled Rudolf's nose in the sky above Thermopolis. I am sure it was Santa and so is Jason.
The next morning Colin and I prepared for our first day of hosting Christmas dinner. Colins brothers and grandma couldn't make it but we still had a house full. Colin started frying the turkey while I started the prime rib. The turkey finished on time but when I went to put the meat thermometer in the prime rib, it went backwards. My first thought was, Colin broke it. It turns out that if something is cold enough a meat thermometer runs backwards. A lesson learned. But after some quick thinking, the prime rib was back in the oven and turned out to be one of our best beef final products ever. There isn't any left as of today and almost no turkey. YUMMY!!!! As Colin said earlier, leftovers are the BEST!!! We are all about good food.

Moe likes all food though. Some of the peanut oil spilled on the concrete and saturated some dirt. So she had the grand idea of eating as much oil rich dirt as she could.....It wasn't the boys that kept us up that night, but a very sick Moe. Dang dogs.

Yesterday we woke up to find snow and a lot of it. Roads were horrible, but it was very pretty. Today the sun is shining as we continue to clean up from our big holiday. Tomorrow it is official that Colin and I have been married for 6 years. I can't believe the time has flown by like it has. Then on Tuesday our little guy will be 3 years old. That is even more difficult to take than our anniversary. But to break things up we are taking a family vacation to South Dakota. It should be a blast. The is nothing like New Years with the Donners, Pollyhahas, Scotts, Franks and us Moodys. It should be quite the bash.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. Have a great New Years and be safe.............

Jake loved his new tractor... it is good to chase.

Jacob was ready for a nap after eating a lot of paper.

Jason couldn't open enough presents.... but at least he shares with Jake most of the time.

Jake getting his ride on. He didn't even end up in a heap when he got off of his new car.

Jason loves the new camera that he got from Grandma Denise and Grandpa Shane, so much that the batteries are already dead and the memory is full.

The boys were so excited about everything they opened that it was difficult to move on to the next package.

Jake eating more paper.

Jason has been working on everything since he got his toolbox. We even found out that the hammer retains water when he worked on the bath tub.

A kid and an adult can never have too many cars.... Santa hit a home run with the play mat.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!! We are tracking Santa. If you would like to just go to the Norad Santa Tracker. He has already started his very busy trip delivering to the good girls and boys out there. We have one boy that is anxiously awaiting his arrival and another that could possibly eat the tree before he gets here.

I have sent out Christmas cards to many of you, but some haven't made it to the Post Office (SORRY!!!). Here is one of the pictures from the card and I promise I will get those out in the next week. We would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas again. May your holiday be merry and your bellies full.

Monday, December 22, 2008

CALL IT SOLD!!!!!!!!!

The day finally came. After waiting and turning into a semi-bi-polar mess for the last month and a half, closing day came. I had my first emotional toilet cleaning episode.... it was a little embarrasing, but part of my way to let go of the house. I cried the entire time I cleaned. Who knew that a person could get so attached to a house. A very nice couple with 3 kids bought it and I hope that they have as much fun making it their home as we did. Now we are looking forward to making a home here. This was just the last big step so that we could persue a new adventure with the focus we need. At 9 am we signed the papers and after all of that crying and blubbering, it was anti-clamatic. Pretty wild stuff. The lesson we learned was it is much more difficult to sell a house than it is to buy.

As soon as we sold the house we decided we were lost without a big payment (that is what it must seem like to everyone anyway), so we bought a pickup as well. I really think we should be put in the looney bin for trying to cram so much in one day. Look how much we cram in to the end of December.... we are asking for it. It has been quite the day. After all of the bad roads I didn't have any daylight to take a pic of Colin's new work pickup, but I will soon.

After going through two very busy days we are exhausted so it is wind down time. I will post pics soon. Have a very Merry Christmas, I know we will. Drive carefull in all of your adventures. Talk to you soon!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The big man in the red suit!!!

Colin wrestling with the boys.

Santa came to story time today!!! Going into this we knew that it would be an extreme for Jason. He would either love Santa and not leave him alone or be terrified. We tried to prep him for the big day and even made a list. But when the big moment came, he freaked. Thank goodness daddy got off of work for it and grandma Connie even came over. After a few kids sat with Santa and Mrs. Clause, Jason and Jacob had their turn. Jason tolerated Mrs. Clause and Jake loved Santa... More hair to pull. It was a success though. Jason gave Santa his list and really hopes he gets a dinosaur (a real one, not a toy), a car, a train, and this morning he added volcano to the list. Who knows, maybe Santa will be able to fit all of that in his bag, but we will see.

I have included some pictures that I have taken in the last week and would also like to report that Jake is on the mend. He is sleeping better.... actually in 4 hour stretches again. It is so nice to actually get some sleep. Now only if Jason would start to sleep more. We just didn't luck out and have kids that like to sleep. Some might say this is payback for when Colin and I were kids. They are probably right.
I don't know if I will get another post done before next week. But, after closing Monday I will definitely have some stories to share. Have a great rest of the week. Enjoy!!!!!
Santa and Mrs. Clause greeting the kids.
Jason's reaction to Santa. Colin kept him calm.
Jason was not impressed by Santa.
Jacob was getting ready to grab Santa's wealth of hair.
They finally posed for a good picture.
The yellow marshmallow, not happy about getting bundled to go out in the Zero degree weather.
A very tired big boy.
Jacob found the tree and it has become a real problem.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I mean it!!!! It is cold. Our heat can only do so much. This has left us longing for a fireplace once again. I can tell you if the next house we buy will have a fire place if we have to put it in on our own, it will!!!!

I know I promised pictures, but things got a little crazy on this cold cold weekend. I mentioned in my last post that Jake was sick and teething. It turns out that he was more sick than we thought. After a nap on Friday evening he woke up with a raspy voice and a dry cough. Colin stayed calm while I basically freaked out. All of these horrible stories of babies with pnemonia and croup went through my mind. Then Colin brought me back to reality, reminding me that as long as he didn't have a hard time breathing and it didn't sound like he had fluid in his lungs he was probably ok. And if worse came to worse... there is a hospital here that we can go to at any time. There have only been a few times in my life that this convinience of a close hospital have made it worth living in a bigger town... but this was one of those. Although Thermopolis really is quite small.

That was a long night that involved a late night warm bath for Jacob and a lot of snuggling on the couch. Oh and we can't forget the humidifier. Needless to say, sleep wasn't high on the list. Saturday morning Jake woke up full of goo (thank goodness for asperators or as Jason would call it... a nose sucker). He was happy, croaky, but happy. Since he was eating well and still his wild self minus the voice and with a little bit of cough we decided that he didn't need to go in.

As night approached Jacob got a little worse but we decided it was because he was tired. He was still eating well and wanted to play with Jason. To make Saturday night better we put books under one end of his crib so that he wasn't laying flat and cranked the humidifier next to his crib. Finally we had a night of good sleep. He was still croaky and coughed some, but was able to sleep a little better.

When he woke up, he was acting more like himself than he had in a week. Jacob still doesn't have a voice, produces more goo than I have ever seen, and he coughs some, but his fever is non-existant and he is on the mend.

This has been the most frightening cold I have ever had one of my kids go throuh and it isn't over yet. It has been a huge learning experience as well. One thing we sure know now is that I am the one that panics and Colin plays it cool........... go figure.

A funny side note that I forgot to mention before is that every time Jason puts on snow pants he considers himself a hockey player. Also, there are special hockey player songs.... only Jason knows the words......While I am talking about Jason's musical abilities, he is an excellent song writer. He is better than me anyway (it doesn't take much). Here are a few lines from one of his latest songs..... I'm singing a song, fa la la la, I got stuck in there (as he points to his closet), Oh yeah!

I have to get... take care and drive careful....

Friday, December 12, 2008

A tale of teeth

It all began late Tuesday night............ Our usual 3 hour stretch of sleep was cut short..... very short. The screaming rang through the house. If I didn't know better I would have believed there was a bull horn involved. I went into Jakes room to ckeck it out and see what was going on. He was so upset and I have never seen so much face goo. I really mean it.

That was a very rough night. Thank goodness Colin helps out a lot on rough nights otherwise it would have made for even a shorter night. I believe we got 3 hours of sleep a piece that night. The next day was story time so I toughed it out with the boys.... in a haze. Colin toughed it out at work and we were hopeful that the next night would come with more zzzz's. But, after a day of Jake crying and Jason picking on him......... we couldn't have imagined what was coming. Just before Colin got home Jason decided that all Jake needed to be happy was to be tackled. It was nice of him to try but wasn't as effective as he had hoped. As Jason flew through the air I could see the look on Jacob's face.... his eyes got big just before they closed and he instinctively huddled into a ball on the floor. The impact was one that you see in movies. Jason hit his little brother with such a force that both of them rolled accross the floor and then the real screaming began.

We toughed it out through dinner and it only got worse. This should have been old news for us and we should have understood what was happening since we had been through it once before, but we didn't remember. With more screaming came a fever and less sleep. I was baffled and was convinced Jake was experiencing his first cold. Then he began the chewing. Chewing on anything that crossed his path. One good thing about this was that it muffled his cries. The poor dogs went into hiding after he started to chew on them.

Last night we had a break through.... literally. Jacob's 4th tooth broke through. He was still cranky, but we got more sleep last night than we had in the 3 prior nights combined. Hopefully this is the last tooth that causes us so much grief.

Jason has been a trooper during this cry fest.... even though he has had what I call brother moments...... the sneaking in a kick, pushing his brother over, and yelling at him. Most of the time he is a helper and hugs Jake and tells him stories.

Now we are just hoping that we have a lot of sleep in our near future. Ther is a big storm coming our way so maybe the kids will want to rest too...... since we can't do a lot outside when our highs are near 0. Have a great weekend and I will take some pics of the boys and post them over the weekend........... ENJOY!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting into the season

For the last month I have been a little disappointed with the thought that Jason wouldn't get to see Santa this year. He is really into Christmas, wanting to give gifts, and make cookies for the big man in the red suit. So, I feel like making a list and giving it to Santa in person would just top it off. But, I had come to terms with the fact that we missed the one weekend he was going to be here to visit with the kids.

Yesterday we went to story time and found out that Santa is going to make a special stop next Wednesday. He requested that moms bring treats and kids bring lists. Jason was so excited to hear this and I was somewhat relieved. Now the question is, when Wednesday comes will Jason be afraid of Santa or will he be ready to share his list? I will bring my camera and document the occasion so that you can see the big moment.

Have a great day and we will try to post more pics soon................

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunt

Today we made the big exciting trip up the mountain to get a Christmas tree. We began with a cranky Jason and a very happy, but equally tired Jacob. The Franks boys were so ready to make their kill and mom and dad were just ready to watch all of us on this exciting day. Colin and I were so couldn't wait to take the boys to get there first Christmas tree...... that wasn't from a store.
Grandma Denise with the grandsons minus Jacob.
Colin, Jake and Dave ready to bring in the bounty.
Jason and I trying to take a self portrait............
Grandpa ready to see what we can find..... he had his doubts.
It wasn't long and we were on the hunt. I am one of those people that doesn't really get into shopping or anything like that..... it turns out, my patients for tree hunting is very similar. I picked a tree out before we even got out of the car. Sure, we looked around a little more to find one for mom and dad. Dave and his boys were trying to find the perfect tree as well. After a little more looking we found mom and dads tree and then chopped the two down. Dave and the boys had to look far and wide to find the perfect catch. While they did that we ate and tied the tree to the top of the Envoy..... didn't get a picture, but I really should of.... it was very hillbilly, but effective. Once we were finished, we heard the Franks boys coming our way with the perfect
tree. I think Jennifer will be proud of her men.
Colin and Jason going out to look at the tree I picked.
Jason waiting to use the saw.
Jason and Colin working hard.
Grandpa Shane leading the pack.
Sitting in front of our tree before it was cut.
Overall it was a great adventure. But, there was still one more step.... decorating the tree. We got right to it when we got home. To our surprise, Jason didn't want to help and Jake could care less about the tree. So, Colin and I enjoyed ourselves and decorated without assistance. Now we have an awesome tree and are totally in the Christmas mode. I hope all of you had a great weekend and I will post more soon, enjoy!!!!
Our fam in front of our kill.
Our finished product.

Friday, December 5, 2008


The boys can make anyone laugh, cry, and at times even make you want to pull your hair out. This is our version of the good the bad and the ugly with love sprinkled on top. You can walk around our house and here laughing for no reason... a lot of it too (I have some video of this), then the next second there is screaming... usually because Jason tackled Jake or one of them got hit (they love each other, but like to fight). But there is nothing more sad than when they are hurt, emotionally or physically. The recent glasses issue with Jason was one of these moments. Sometimes... a few nights every week, all I can think is that it is a good thing they are cute and we love them so very much, because the little bugs don't like to sleep. Talk about hair pulling moments... this is a big one. In reality, those kids are hard work, but boy are they funny. Here are a few pictures and videos of our little ones. I hope all of you have a great weekend. Look back next week for pictures of our Christmas tree hunt. Take care.....................

Look at that face of violence.... right after this he hit his brother with the golf club.

Cute men.

Notice the Lego tower that Jason and Colin worked so hard on.

If you look closely.... there is a deer standing on two legs. Evidently when it snows, the deer go to extra lengths to get the crab apples.

Once again, Jake has the golf club... watch his face closely.

My funny men.... doing what they do best.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who needs a radio

Jacob loves it when his brother sings......

This morning Jason decided to put a concert on for Jake and me. It was quite an amazing production. Jake had a classic reaction, which I caught on camera and I took a little video so that you could see for yourself.