Sunday, September 30, 2007

A weekend with wild man

This weekend was wild as I usually report, but this time it was cut short. Colin had to go to Laramie on Sunday for work so we took advantage of our one day weekend, then Jason and I boogied down with the house to ourselves.

As always we began our Saturday with a walk. I don't get it either. All week I was followed by a growing group of antelope, then I bring Colin with me and they all run away. Maybe they know something I don't.

In deep thought.

About 30 minutes in we looked to see a storm building up so we decided to turn around. Colin kept on studying the clouds, in hopes that it would pass, but it continued to grow so we made our way home.

Braving the wind.

A view of Casper "Mountain" with an antelope (you have to look closely to see it)

We did get close enough to take a sub-par picture of an antelope for Amy, but since it is such poor quality I will continue to take my camera out to catch the good shot. Dang Colin. If he hadn't scared all of the poor antelope away I would have had a close up.

Look closely and you will see a snake

No walk is good without a little excitement. Just as we were making our way up the last hill toward home right there in front of us was a snake. Of course this wasn't pleasant, but we made our way around and, following Crissy's actions with the pool snake, I took a pic. It was pretty long but not poisonous.......... Thank goodness.

Rocking out!!!

We finished out Saturday with more walking and helping Colin prep for his big trip back to Laramie (laundry). It was busy, but nice to spend time as a family.

Once Colin left Jason got his music shoes on and played some laundry tunes for me. So soothing.......... We had a nice day rocking out............... Jason is the best dancer I know........ and singing............. his voice is right up there too. As the evening approached things began to get ugly. Jason wanted his dad. They usually spend their evenings rough housing and playing. Jason looks forward to that time so much that he was crushed when Colin didn't come home. He pointed to a picture of Colin and kept on saying "Daddy..... Daddy... My Daddy....... Daddy" crying the whole time. Then he finally tuckered himself out enough for me to take him to bed. Last night showed me that Jason is impossible to sleep with................ One word...... KICK!!!!

It sounds like Colin's trip is a success. There are a lot of students interested in working for his company and hopefully today they will find some good prospects. But the strange thing is how 2 years can make such a difference. Laramie is still a welcoming town, but Colin didn't know many people. Then he got even more strange but exciting news. You see, he was looking forward to seeing one of his old professors, but the man wasn't there. When Colin asked another former prof, he was informed that his old prof was not there because he was working on Nasa's panel to plan the next trip to the moon. I know it sounds far fetched but the man is one of the best geologists in the world. It is just wild to think that someone that we knew so well is doing something of that magnitude. Pretty cool. Besides that it is just work for Colin. Hopefully we can make a trip down there in the next year to see a football game. If not this season then next.

Hope all of you had a great weekend and that you all have a wonderful week. Enjoy..........

Friday, September 28, 2007

The blue beast

The Blue Beast. Mom found it at a garage sale...... Thank you Mom!!!!!

This jogger has acquired a worthy name after proving to me that it can do almost anything. You see, since I have had Jason, walking with two ill mannered dogs and a baby by myself has been a challenge. So, the poor dogs have missed out on a lot of fun. I tried this jogger when Jason was younger and it just didn't seem to work for the little man, but I tried one more time yesterday. It can go over rocks, through creeks, over cactus, and just keeps on going. We went on a true off road adventure. The Blue Beast worked like a charm, except for the fact that it would shake Jason so much that his hat would fall off (causing huge crying fits). The dogs did ok and I can tell you that Moe will learn how to walk on a leash well if it is the only thing we work on for the rest of her life. I would have let her roam with Mae, but she has this nasty habit of chasing antelope. If the antelope are at a safe distance it isn't a problem and I let her run, but that wasn't the case. The antelope are in the rut right now. So, they saw me as a pest. We had a follower for our entire walk. He didn't follow at a distance either, he was about 15 feet behind us snorting and grunting the whole time. I threw a rock at him trying to get him to leave us alone, but my aim leaves a lot of room for improvement. Despite all of the distractions and issues, I wasn't going to let it stop me from getting a good walk in. So we kept on going. After about an hour I decided to turn around and head home. I have to say two hours of crying, barking, grunting, and snorting........ I was ready to be done. It is discouraging that I didn't make it as far in two hours as I used to (pre-Jason), but I think I got more of a workout dealing with all of the walkers. I plan on attempting this again this morning........ hopefully without a follower. At this point I am just wondering how I will do this with two kids. I have few months to work out this problem, hopefully by the beginning of April I will have some possible solutions figured out.

Speaking of the newest Moody....... Many have asked for pictures of my growing belly. I will have to keep you waiting for a little longer. At this point I am at the, it looks like I ate 20 or more too many donuts stage. So, once the deflated balloon grows enough to get a little more of the round shape I will show a pic. I can tell you that I haven't wore normal pants for a few weeks and am gaining size every day. It shouldn't be a long wait.

Hopefully Karen and Maggie will begin to feel better and Crissy will post news of Jackson's arrival........ We are thinking of all of you. Take care and have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shaking heads

Jason playing with his puzzle (thanks for recommending it Sheena), he loves it.

There are always those people in a neighborhood where the people just look out their windows and shake their heads. What can they be doing this time? Usually Colin and I are the ones looking out the window to investigate, not because we aren't strange, but because we are usually quite quiet. Last night and this morning we were the people making others question.

First of all, Colin's work pickup is once again having issues. Colin replaced both batteries and last night it was the alternators turn. This wasn't fun, but it was entertaining to see him standing on the front end of his pickup trying to retrieve a socket that had fallen to what seemed to be its final resting place. After a lot of effort Colin saved that socket and finished the job. Yet, after all of that work....... the pickup is still so sick that it needed a jump this morning. This time there was a hitch, it was in our driveway. What do you do when you need to move a giant boat anchor......... none other than the manual method of pushing. Colin started this process alone, but I quickly joined him (in pj's and Colin's oversized shoes). We pushed it back into the street until we were able to reach both batteries with the jumper cables. Looking at this whole process........ all I can think of is how funny it must have looked to all watching. I know people were watching because one neighbor came over to ask questions and the other neighbors are always looking out their windows. It reminds me of Meeteetse in that way. Even with all of the efforts the pickup is still not working and Colin is currently using our personal vehicle. At least we have gotten some laughs out of this process. I think our neighbors have too.

On a quick note........ we must not be giving enough good thoughts to poor Crissy, she is still pregnant and it is D-day. Crissy we are thinking of you and Travis and hope that you will meet your little man very soon. Have a good one and I will hopefully have more stories to tell of this hillbilly clan soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Giggle boy

It might look like a growl, but he is really saying Cheese!

Just when things start to get frustrating, Jason will run in and do something goofy.... that is why he is my giggle boy. If it is dealing with a car dealership trying to get money they have owed us for 5 months or dealing with insurance...... Jason always comes to my rescue. He is my little super hero. Then when Colin gets home from work, it doesn't matter how tough a day has been, it is play time. They love to bundle up, go outside and go crazy. The Moody Men run, play, jump, and hit balls for hours. Despite this busy schedule, they still have time to pose for pictures. Very good ones if I do say so myself.

There is only one story to report since yesterday........... that is another Moe-Jason battle. Jason had went to bed as usual and Moe and went to bed with Colin and I. This morning about 4, I heared a loud cry come from Jason's room. When I went in to check on things, there was Jason swinging his arms at a sleeping Moe. She was snuggled up against his face. He doesn't mind it if she snuggles, as long as he can breath. Then I left them to deal with their issues. After a little time passed you could here Moe running on his bed and Jason yelling once again. The stupid little beagle was trying to get under his covers. Nothing will make Wild Man more angry than Moe taking his blankets away from him. This ended the way most nights end, both of them were in bed with us. Jason was kicking, Moe was snoring and Colin and I just layed there hoping that we could catch a few more zzzz's.

We wish you all a wonderful day. I hope all of you have a little super hero like we do. Enjoy.............

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cooling off

Snuggling with Jason and his little worm.

Yesterday was much cooler than we have seen in recent months. It was sweatshirts all of the way. The rain/ice fell throughout the day and we snuggled in, read books, told stories and played. It was a blast.

Jason has this little glow worm that he calls a baby too. He carries it around, kisses it, sings to it, rocks it, and even tucked it in for a nap when he was tired. It is so cute. And since it is a worm, that sings, Colin doesn't even mind that he does this.

Oh and I am pleased to report that we got our first frost this morning..... and it frosted hard. I love that smell and that crisp cool feeling. Hopefully we aren't too far behind Steamboat on the snow. Even though we love this cooler weather, Colin's work pickup doesn't like it so much. It needed a jump this morning. This wasn't a normal jump either...... both batteries were flat lined and they weren't taking a charge. After quite sometime we finally got the pickup to turn over, but that wasn't an easy task. Really I don't care if Colin's pickup doesn't like this beautiful weather because I am in love with it.

Now we all have to send good thoughts to the Kinley's and hope that baby Jackson will come soon. Poor Crissy has been ragu long enough....... she wants to meet her little man. By the way you should check out the video she posted...... it is very funny (her page is linked on the side). Hope all of you have a wonderful day (Maggie.... enjoy that snow for all of us desert folk). Take care and I will have more adventures to report on soon.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Home Again


I have to say that when Jason goes somewhere for the weekend without us.............. It is horrible. We are so lonely, our house is way too quiet, it is really boring. After going out to dinner and renting a movie we were lost. By the way...... dinner without Jason isn't very exciting. Our house felt empty and even the dogs were depressed. When we woke up Saturday morning Moe grabbed one of Jason's socks, ran under the spare bed and began to cry. Mae didn't think we were going to feed her, since that is usually Jason's job. It was a mess. Then to top it off the side by side was still on the fritz. When we went to get the part that we believe is causing the trouble (it has to be the thermostat...... I did a bunch of different things and that is the only answer unless there is some crazy fuse...... didn't find one though), but we were met with a harsh reality when we went to sears. Turns out that the thermostat is part of the control panel, which is a $250 part. Bummer dude. So, now we are going to have to wait until the repair man can get here next week and then we will see what he can do for us........ PLEASE BE A FUSE!!!!! We also watched the UW game............. can anyone say LUCKY?

Sunday everything turned around for us..... We went to pick up Jason. Although we were ready to get him much earlier than Mom wanted to meet us. So at 10 am we had our little man back in our arms. There isn't a better feeling. When we got home Colin's brother Aaron and his wife stopped by with their kids. It is the first time they have made it down to Casper since we have lived here and it was also the first time we had a chance to meet our youngest niece, Leah. Besides that short visit, it was back to our normal routine. As always, the Broncos were priority and we won't go into that game an further.

Jason with his Moody cousins Johnathon, Ashley and Leah.
Now for another week of excitement. This time with only a mini fridge............. it should be good. We hope all of you have a wonderful week (and that Jackson will make an appearance, giving his mom a break). Take care and enjoy.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thank God for little smiles

When a day gets tough all you have to do is look at this smile and all is right in the world. Everything is minor as long as we all have each other.
I try to look on the bright side of things most of the time. Something wonderful usually comes out of something tough. So, in a way maybe it will be a good thing that the last two days have been nothing but............. for lack of better vocabulary....... CRAP. As you previously read, our side by side took a dive. I thought it was fixed, just to find another melty mess yesterday. The refrigerator side took a dive too. Looking on the bright side of this, we have a mini fridge in the garage. I crammed what I could into it, but we still lost a lot of food. By the way, my kitchen smells like rotten meat/veggies/leftovers. Not a good scent.

I also had to go and do some shopping........... oh this was exciting. Parts that I ordered 4 weeks ago weren't ordered until day before yesterday so I almost didn't receive those on time. Then a trip to Walmart quickly turned ugly when a cashier lost it. YES, She went postal as some would call it. Her scanner was dirty so it kept reading the bar codes wrong. After she was assisted one time she was angry. Her face turned red and then out of no where she started screaming and then grabbed boxes of cigarettes and threw them. They flew quite a long ways. We were told to stay in line while other employees grabbed her, held her arms down and carried her away kicking and screaming like a two year old. It was oh so strange. One thing I knew at that point was that my day was better than hers.

When I got home I worked on the refrigerator for a while and then tended to a cranky wild man before I started to feel bad. At that point all I could do was lay down and hope that my pains would fade. I was really dizzy and couldn't even walk well. I think I was dehydrated, but don't really know what caused it. Never have I felt that way in the past and I pray I won't ever again.

Today I am prepping to send Jason off for a weekend with Grandma Denise and Grandpa Shane. He is going to love it. Colin and I are going to go out for dinner for the first time in a very long time...... can't even remember the last time we went out.

Before Jason and I head off to Shoshoni to meet Mom I felt the need to try to work on the refrigerator one more time. This time I actually found a possible problem. There was a fan that was jammed with cardboard. I removed the cardboard and plugged it in to see it move. Now I will leave it plugged in for a while to see if it is going to cool. I hope it does because the earliest appointment I could make for a repairman to come is October first. That is a long time to live out of a mini fridge. We can do it, but would prefer not to.

So, I am keeping my hopes up that today will be wonderful without any major breaks or bumps in the road (a few would be ok, just not a lot). It will be hard to say goodbye to Jason for a few days, but we are going to get some sleep in. Have a great weekend and as always.... GO POKES!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A day... I mean A DAY!!

I am sure most people have had one of those days where they wish they could just forget...... Yesterday was one of those for me. I am sure it was comical for onlookers, but it sure wasn't on this side of things.

It all began with me being super nervous about my first doc appointment. I know I have been through this before, but I guess that fear that something will be wrong looms over each and every case of ragu plus the idea of getting my blood drawn gives me the chills. So, I started the day off freaking out and tried to get my mind off of the appointment that awaited me. I did this by posting on the blog and then I decided I needed to clean the house.

When I got to the kitchen I noticed water all over the floor in front of the refrigerator. It was crazy. I opened up the fridge side and all seemed well, then I opened the freezer side............ It wasn't good. Everything had melted. There was chicken blood all over the bottom of the freezer along with melted ice cream and other bits of gooey mess. I salvaged what I could and put it in the chest freezer downstairs. For those of you that don't know, the appliances were one of the perks this house had. They were all brand new (last summer), stainless, top of the line. WHY WOULD MY FREEZER NOT WORK? The refrigerator side was fine and the freezer wasn't? This was truly a mystery.

So, I proceeded to clean up the mess before pulling out the manual and trying to trouble shoot. Before I really got into working on the freezer I went to check my blog for comments.......... something that would surely brighten my day. When I looked I saw a long comment from some person that I don't know. That is cool that someone would leave a comment. I am surprised that other people are looking at my blog....... but to be lectured. That isn't ok. The person obviously doesn't know me and has no right to go on a rant about people getting mad about him leaving comments........ Maybe they are mad that he leaves lectures and wouldn't mind if he just left a regular comment. Who knows...... life goes on.

It was back to trouble shooting for me. Jason watched with eyes wide while I worked. I have to say I have never worked on a refrigerator or anything like it in the past. So, it was like the blind leading the blind. I changed the settings....... tried to clean the coils................. if there was a suggestion in the book, I tried it. Then it was lunch time.

I tried to feed wild man, but his mouth hurt too bad to eat (more teeth coming in). This made him mad because he was hungry, making our house break into cry fest 07'. OH IT WAS FUN!!! As soon as I snagged a bite, it was off to the doc. But by this time, Jason had cried himself to sleep in the livingroom, I had lost my cell, and I couldn't find my keys.............. WHAT A DAY!!! The only thing I could do was stop and laugh. After laughing for a few minutes, I found my keys. Got a sleeping Jason ready to go and headed downtown to pick Colin up and head to the doc. Did I mention how nervous I was? I think I couldn't find anything because I was subconsciously trying to sabotage the appt. Just one theory. Once we got there, everything went well. No surprises and no news to report except everything seems to be going well. Then it was lab time............ I hate getting blood drawn, but it goes with ragu, I guess. Colin and Jason played on a playground while I was drained. It was the best draw I have ever had. I never felt the poke and she didn't move the needle around when it was inside my arm. A super improvement over the blood draws (many of them) I had when I was pregnant with Jason. It was over as quickly as it had began and I was back to working on the freezer.

When we returned home........ I decided to try to repeat the steps I had completed earlier in the day. I cleaned the freezer again......... turned it off and reset it......... the whole bit......... 30 minutes later, IT TURNED ON!!! It was working again. I don't know how I did it, or if it was me, but it works now. The bin of ice was full by this morning and the freezy pop gauges were frozen solid. WOOOOOOO!!!!HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things are looking good for today. I feel like a new leaf has turned. Jason isn't crying, he ate breakfast, and now we are getting ready to go and play................... Just goes to show that even the rough days can end up glorious. Have a good one and I hope all of you have one of those good days and not a bad one............ wouldn't wish that on any person.......

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Another day at the circus

Eating lemons with dad.

As usual, the entertainment never slows in this house. If it isn't one thing it is another. The last few days have been pretty calm despite the non-stop eating in our house. Yes....... Jason and I have turned into bottomless pits. A drastic change from a couple of weeks ago.

Then yesterday evening things spiced up around here. I was visiting with Maggie (sorry for the repeat of this one Mags) when BAM!!! Mae throws me a curve ball. I heared this "crunch, crunch, smack smack, crunch.........." It was pretty gross..... so I inspected. The sight was no better than the sound. It was some dead animal............... not just any animal, but a mystery animal. Headless.............. mostly decomposed........ many bone fragments.................. a little stinky.............. a little hair (brown)................. and a couple of teeth. YUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see a lot of really gross things around here now that Jason is into his lets see how dirty we can make the house stage (lord knows we wish we could find child proof diapers....). This was just another to put on the list. So I told Maggie that I had to clean up the mess and I would return in a minute or so......... I did just that and am still baffled as to how Mae got that creature into the house............. Another mystery that will probably never be solved.

After making dinner and playing with wild man for a while, Colin got home. It was pretty dark, but I didn't know how to use his compressor and my rear tire on my car needed to be filled. When I had went to the store earlier in the day I noticed that it was at a frightening level. So...... Jason got his sweatshirt and cap on and went out to help his dad. At first I thought, Jason will try to help Colin, make the project last twice as long and they will be laughing so hard when they come in that Jason will hopefully be tired...... Not quite right. My first indication that something was going on was when Colin came inside and said "Jason has something for you and I don't think you will be very happy about it." After dealing with Mae all I could think was dead animal........ Thank goodness that wasn't the case. You see, my rose bushes are really blooming like crazy right now. Jason appreciates their beauty and loves to go out and smell them............. but last night he wanted to do something else........ Pick them. So he walked over to my yellow rose bush and broke off the biggest bloom. It isn't a big deal, but I don't know how he pulled it off without getting poked. My bushes are the pokiest roses I have ever been around. He did it though and couldn't have been more proud of himself. When I walked outside to see what he had, the only thing I could do was take a picture.

Jason so proud of his find.
Now for another day of excitement........ bring it on.......... although Mae might not survive if she brings another dead animal in my house............

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Tale

Looking for more parts to hide.

As always we had a nice weekend, but I have to say that Colin and I could care less if we ever paint again. It seems as though that is all we do anymore. We still have to finish the trim in the livingroom, but once that is finished........ I don't think we will be doing a whole lot of painting. Jason helped like he usually does, telling stories, getting paint all over himself and the carpet and topping it off by losing pieced of the door hardware. After searching and listening to Jason's explanations.......... we did find the parts (not with any help from Jason).

Telling his dad how things really work......... notice the paint on his arm.

We took a break from the ongoing painting to have some cheese fondue and watch some football (the boys watched while I ate). It is a bummer about UW, but I guess there is always another week. We are just waiting for Cody to post about the Penn State game and the amazing catch..............

Fondue time......... Moe thinks she will get lucky.

Now for the tale................. This morning I was mowing the yard when a squirrel made the mistake of coming into our lawn. Mae and Moe hate those rodents more then I do and it showed. The hunt was on. First there was a little flash that went by chattering, followed by the dogs in pursuit. They were so focused that they didn't even bark. As the squirrel attempted to jump onto the privacy fence Mae lunged and snagged it................................................... Well, that is how Mae would like me to tell the story, but it isn't exactly how it went down. Yes the dogs were on a hot trail and were very focused, but when the squirrel made it's leap for life........ Mae showed her real side. Most blue healers are quite coordinated, but Mae is a whole different story. She is the most clumsy dog I have ever been around. Here is how this tale really ended. When the squirrel jumped, Mae lunged and Moe followed. There was a huge crash followed by another. Mae hadn't seen the fence (even though she spends most of her time in the back yard) and smashed face first into it. Moe was airborne by the time Mae hit the fence so she smashed in to a falling Mae. There was a lot of crying on the dogs part.............. they are both fine though even if they would like me to believe different. Once the squirrel was out of reach it stopped and chattered at the dogs. It isn't a glamorous story, but that is our dogs............................................. Hope all of you had a good one. Take care and we look forward to hearing your tales.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Splish Splash

Every day is full of fun for us, if it is indoors or outside. Yesterday we had a special treat. Some friends asked us to go swimming with them during toddler time at the rec center. We quickly accepted the invitation and gathered all of our swimming supplies. When we arrived at the aquatic center we met up with Tina, her daughter Autumn and Autumns friend Madison. Both of the little girls are 3 so Jason was very excited. There was a giant "bathtub" with toys and kids to play with. To my surprise he didn't do a lot of interacting with the other kids, he just splashed a lot and giggled. He did go down the baby slide a few times (my little dare devil) though. It was a blast. I think we will make that a weekly ritual. It was hard to leave. Jason didn't want to get out of the water and he sure as heck didn't want to go. But, it was lunch time and our swim time had come to an end. We had a lot of other stuff to do anyway.

An angry Jason after I made him get out of the pool.
Last night Dad, Mom, and my brother in law Dave stayed with us. We were happy to have them, even if it was just one night. Jason enjoyed his time reading books with grandma Denise and hiding from the guys. Colin, Dad and Dave enjoyed their short visit too. It is a possibility they might have enjoyed it too much. This morning when we all started to get around, no one looked too energetic.

Jason and his Uncle Dave were a little on the foggy side this morning.
It was a good time and we can't wait to see them all again. Now we are just resting up a little before we play some more. I hope all of you had a great week (wonder if Travis and Crissy are new parents yet), and wish you all a wonderful weekend. Take care and be safe. GO POKES!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Spit on that

Daisy Duck makes a perfect belly ornament.

By now all of you have heared me say how much Jason learns by observing everything around. He is our little copy cat. This is OK, most of the time. There is that problem with him saying bad words and now we have another little issue. A few weeks ago when Colin and Jason were playing outside Colin spit. Jason saw that and thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Colin failed to tell me that Jason picked up on that cool trick so I later found out in such a shocking way. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating when Jason got a huge drink of water. Instead of swallowing it like a good boy, he turned around in his chair, leaned over the back and spit it all of the floor. Yes, Jason spit and was so proud of himself. That was only the first incident I witnessed though. I do believe my floor is soooooooo covered in loogies that it would be extra ugly if someone brought one of those black lights in our house. Jason walks around spitting all of the time. I punish him repeatedly and it doesn't seem to do any good. We have tried everything, and now Colin has resorted to saying "We spit outside if we are big boys, not inside." Like that would really work, but it certainly makes me chuckle under my breath. So, I have come to the conclusion that this is a kid thing and blaming it on a phase. I will continue to punish him for spitting in the house, but I don't think this will end any time soon. So visitors beware!!! Don't lay on our floor, it is contaminated with Jason saliva. Have a good one.............

Big eyes

Playing a little ball.

As I always tell everyone, my days with Jason are nothing but exciting. But, I can't imagine a description of a day coming from one of the dogs. Last night I was sitting on the livingroom floor petting Moe while Mae and Jason were playing at the end of the hallway. Moe was so relaxed and then all of the sudden her ears went back as we heared a....... Thump......Thump..... Thump..... coming down the hallway. It was Jason in a full run. I watched Moes eyes get so big, I am suprised they didn't pop out. When he came into view, his arms were spread out wide and there was a big grin on his face that could me nothing less than trouble. As he got close to Moe she braced herself and closed her eyes. He began to scream and then with one big hop he was on top of her. The poor dog knew what was coming and couldn't do anything about it. It happened so fast.

After attacking Moe, Jason was after Mae again. The game of chase and tug of war went on for about 2 hours. By the time Colin got home, the dogs were exhausted and Jason was still going strong. He was spinning in the livingroom until he fell. Then in true Wild Man form he would get back up and do it again. I think the dogs were just happy that Colin took the brunt of the body slams for the rest of the evening. If the dogs could talk, I am sure they would have a lot to say about Wild man. Have a great day and take care.

Getting ready for bed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oh the wonders of a perfectly mild day. We played and played and played. Lucky for Jason, NO INJURIES to report. I must say that is very novel around our house.

There is one new trick to report. Jason has learned that putting his hand down his diaper and pushing it down so his crack shows totally rocks. It makes me happy........... oh so happy. I don't know why he feels the need to walk around like a plummer. It takes so much effort to accomplish the look he wants (especially since I got him a belt), what a goof. I am thinking that we might be approaching house breaking time......... WOOOOOO!!!!!!HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be something to celebrate. Have a great one......

Monday, September 10, 2007

Staying warm

Showing off.

As the summer comes to an end we are so happy to see the weather change. Sure, it is supposed to get up to 80 tomorrow, but last night we got down in the low 30's, although we didn't get down to the long awaited 32. With our high yesterday only getting up to 50 we even saw our pellet stove turn on. It was a beautiful and very welcome sight. The way we look at it is you can add more layers if you are cold, but when it gets so hot that you can't stand it, you can only take so many clothes off. So thank you fall.

Speaking of fall, that means football to many. Once again, Colin and Jason showed their appreciation for the sport by watching many games, College and NFL, over the weekend. GO POKES!!!!! And the next most important game of the weekend was Colin's Broncos. He has loved them from the time he knew what football was and they will always hold a special place in his heart. That game was shocking in many ways and offered some of the best football entertainment that we have seen in a long time. It is sad that someone was severely injured during the game, but as always the game went on and was very intense for all watching. Just when Colin sat on the floor with a sad face thinking that all hope was gone for his team.... whammy....... a field goal to save the game. AMAZING!!! Now if every game had that kind of an ending all watching would have high blood pressure. Jason watched every bit of every football game that came on our TV. He is addicted. I guess you can say like father like son.

We also had visitors over the weekend. Colin's parents came down for the first time since the beginning of the year. Therefore they hadn't seen any of the work we had done on the house. I think they were impressed and they even had a chance to see Jason's tricks. He has a lot of them and they finally saw how entertaining our little man is.

After enjoying a cool weekend, it is back to the grind for another week. The weeks do seem to be flying by, but there are so many to go before things get back into a groove in this house. With every day we watch my already expanding waistline grow and wonder what it will be like with 2 kids and how big am I going to get. Jason even noticed something is different. I wasn't this size until I was about 15 weeks along with Jason....... this could get ugly.

We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and look forward to reading about your exciting tails. Have a great week.

Friday, September 7, 2007

A new season

Yesterday just goes to show that when things get tough, there is always a silver lining (Kind of anyway). I must start by saying kids are gross. Jason proves this to me on a daily basis. If it isn't one thing it is another. The times that stand out the most are those when he is sick. There is nothing that can match the horrid level of gross that a kid can bring forward when they are sick. The toughest part of this is that you never know when it will strike. Jason not only has black ops kicks (from the incredible shrinking bed), but he has black ops sickness. This was the case yesterday morning. Turn away if you are sensitive to stories of discustingness.

The morning started out good enough. Colin and Jason got up early as usual and I caught some extra zzz's. When I got up Colin jumped in the shower and I got Jason to eat a piece of toast with sausage gravy on it. He woofed it down in a flash. Colin left and we said our normal goodbyes, Jason was smiling and watching cartoons as usual. Then he started to drink his strawberry milk when it hit......................... Pink, sausage, chunky, yucky, slimy.................... OH MY!!!!!!!! He was sitting in his chair and all I could do was grab his blankie and try to catch as much as I could, but he kept turning his head to avoid his blankie............... GROSS!!!!! Let me remind you my belly isn't good either......................... OH NO!!!!!!!! After the projectile fire slowed I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom, where it continued. Our livingroom and bathroom were consumed by a pink chunky mess. I tried to give Jason a bath and clean up some of the mess, when it hit me. Being in a small room, full of sick stink, with only a fan and no windows or real ventalation, I was in trouble. So, there we were, two sick people covered in nasty nastyness. I had to make the call....................... "Colin, there is a mess all over, I can't stop getting sick, please come help." He came to our rescue within minutes (Thank God He Was Still in Town). He cleaned up the mess in the bathroom, since I had cleaned the livingroom already, and then headed back to work.

He caught the ball and I got it on camera!!!!

After something like that you would think Jason was sick or something, but no. He was happy and just fine. It was one of those moments to remember though. And as predicted, our day got much better after that. In fact last night was the first game of the NFL season. For me this doesn't matter, but to Colin and Jason, it is a BIG deal. Yes, our son would rather watch football or baseball than watch cartoons. That is really saying somthing for that little man. So they watched the game and played a little catch, in the house.................... Nothing broke last night, but I think we might have something happen in the future. Our little athlete has an arm on him. So, it marked the begining of a new season and the wounds from yesterday morning began to heal. Have a great weekend everyone and Colin and Jason hope you all have a wonderful football watching time.

Trying to hit his dad in the numbers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Scar Face

Our little Scar Face.

I know I have mentioned it before, but Jason has inherited his mom and dad's clumsy trait. It seems like the moment one boo boo heals another makes an appearance. I have to say that most of the time it isn't a big deal, just a little scratch, but there are those times when the worst flashes through your head.

It all began yesterday morning when I was cleaning up my living room. It was already approaching 90 degrees outside, so I let Jason play with his trike in the living room. He is doing so well, trying to use the pedals and even figuring out the steering. Then it happened............ an accident similar to two previous ones............... He turned his trike over, smashing his face into the entertainment center. The last time he did this he almost ended up in the emergency room (I highlighted that story a while back). This time wasn't any better. I couldn't see the cut because it was bleeding so bad. Every time I tried to dab it clean Jason freaked out, so I grabbed a wet wash cloth and held it over the cut for a little while before attempting to look again. By the time I got another peak he had calmed down (thanks to Moe) and the bleeding had stopped. It looked much better at that point in time. But the bruise was just beginning to show up. I can tell you this much....... THAT TRIKE ISN'T GOING TO BE IN OUR LIVINGROOM AGAIN!!!!!!! He can play with it downstairs when it is too hot outside. If we have to do stuff upstairs, then bummer dude, no trike. I have to add that soon after the big crash I called Colin to warn him about Jason's appearance, then I e-mailed him a picture of the wound. When he replied he said "It is a good thing chicks dig scars." Funny ha ha.

On another note, last night Jason was doing this strange thing. He was slicking his hair forward or something like that. I couldn't figure it out. Of course I blamed Colin for teaching him such a crazy thing, but then I was informed that Cody taught him that. Thanks Cody. Just another trick to add to his book. Have a great day and I hope no one else has a trike accident today................... BE CAREFUL.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Beat the heat

While so many celebrated the long weekend running races, watching parades, barbecuing, and playing in the bustling metropolis called Meeteetse, we decided to stay in Casper and relax. We were pleased to find out that Sheena and Scott were going to bring the boys down for a visit. They arrived on Friday afternoon to welcome the weekend. The second Jason saw William, he was so excited that he couldn't stand it. It was that very moment when we realized that the boys were going to have an extra fun weekend despite the near record temperatures (thank you swamp cooler).

Jason and Colin wrestle a lot (I am surprised more stuff doesn't get broken around here) so Jason decided he wanted to wrestle with Wild Bill. At first William wasn't all that impressed with this kid running up to him, crouching down and knocking him to the ground with a form tackle. After a few hours the boys were in Jason's room wrestling, yelling and having the time of their lives. There were a few fights, but overall, they got along very well. And I have to say, the entertainment was better than anything you can pay for.

As for baby Scott, he is growing like a weed. Sorry I don't have any pictures of him, but it was a wild weekend. Take my word for it, he is very cute and is an angel.

We enjoyed our relaxing adult time, and of course couldn't get enough of the boys playing. When the Coale family left on Sunday, it was sad. Jason was pretty bummed, but by that time he was exhausted too. He took one of the longest naps he has ever taken and slept the night through too. We enjoyed the last two days of our weekend, playing out in the yard and just resting. It has been too long since we have had a chance to do that.

I hope the rest of you had wonderful weekends as well. Enjoy getting back into the swing of things. Take care and we can't wait to read about all of your adventures.