Friday, December 5, 2008


The boys can make anyone laugh, cry, and at times even make you want to pull your hair out. This is our version of the good the bad and the ugly with love sprinkled on top. You can walk around our house and here laughing for no reason... a lot of it too (I have some video of this), then the next second there is screaming... usually because Jason tackled Jake or one of them got hit (they love each other, but like to fight). But there is nothing more sad than when they are hurt, emotionally or physically. The recent glasses issue with Jason was one of these moments. Sometimes... a few nights every week, all I can think is that it is a good thing they are cute and we love them so very much, because the little bugs don't like to sleep. Talk about hair pulling moments... this is a big one. In reality, those kids are hard work, but boy are they funny. Here are a few pictures and videos of our little ones. I hope all of you have a great weekend. Look back next week for pictures of our Christmas tree hunt. Take care.....................

Look at that face of violence.... right after this he hit his brother with the golf club.

Cute men.

Notice the Lego tower that Jason and Colin worked so hard on.

If you look closely.... there is a deer standing on two legs. Evidently when it snows, the deer go to extra lengths to get the crab apples.

Once again, Jake has the golf club... watch his face closely.

My funny men.... doing what they do best.

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