Monday, July 2, 2007

Braving the heat

Filling the pool aka: working on the sprinkler system

For those of you that watch the weather channel as much as I know that it is super hot here in Casper. We have hit the 90's ever day for a few weeks even 100 one day. To top it off there hasn't been any rain. So, it has been a task trying to keep the yard green. We have a sprinkler system in the front, but it wasn't functional. This weekend that was priority number one. To celebrate the fact that Jason was officially 18 months old on Saturday the project began.

While Colin suffered through the heat, digging holes and cutting poly, Jason did some work of his own. He thinks he helped a lot, but as you can see his verson of helping includes filling his pool and watering Mae. Yes......he thinks that dogs need to be watered like plants, externally.

Play time!!!

Nothing like a rest after a good swim.

After spending a few hours in 90+ degree heat it was time for a nap. Of course the bed wasn't good enough, but the floor had his name on it.

Sleeping bag ($95), Captain Crunch ($.25), Juice ($.10), Cable ($$$$$$ too much), watching cartoons from a box with all the food and drink you can stand........Priceless!!!

We are planning camping trip to be executed in a few weeks. So this weekend we had to find some supplies. This included a sleeping bag. Jason was so excited when we got home, not to look at the cool new stuff, but for us to get it out of the boxes so that he could climb in. There is nothing quite like a box in a little ones mind. He just has everything figured out. Jason is only 18months old but the terrible twos are here to stay. He runs around telling us NO!!! among so many other things. It is a wild time in the Moody house. There is going to be a lot happening this week......I can feel it in my bones.

I hope everyone has a great week..................

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Where are you going camping??