Thursday, March 29, 2007

Snow Update

Out back

Hello again. The snow is finally slowing down. In fact there are only small flakes falling now and I am just so relieved that I haven't had to clean off the walk in the last hour. That snow sure does get heavy. Our neighbor is amazing though and he used his 4 wheeler to help out with the walk along the street this afternoon. Jason has been wonderful too. He has been behaved while I go out and clean off the walk. What an angel................for now anyway. I am including pics of the current conditions outside and we are currently sitting at 13 inches today at our house. The snow didn't start to stick until this morning around 4am so this is what we have from that point. I just hope I don't have to water for a while. YIPPY!!!! Enjoy the snow, stay warm and take care.

Out front over the yard again.
The driveway (notice the amount of snow I piled there).

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