Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Jason thought the presents were for him. WOW!!

Since I last wrote we have seen quite the change in weather. Yesterday at 6:30 in the morning it was 52 degrees out. Last night the rain came and we had an opportunity to test out our new roof. I must say we were on edge, but are very pleased to say that there are no leaks at this point in time. YIPPY!!!! With it raining all night we might have gotten what Cody saw yesterday in that short storm. It is a good thing we did have our roof because I think it held up better than Cody’s clothes did in his storm. Yes, our Wyoming climate just doesn’t put down that much water that fast. It is a good thing to, since we would all wash away if it did. This morning it has turned to snow and is quite impressive. Hopefully we will get the moisture we need.

Chance in his rendition of touchdown.

Unlike the blustery weather there hasn’t been a lot of change here. There is only one new thing in our house; Colin taught Jason a new trick. He now rolls over on command. It is quite entertaining and the best part is that Jason loves it. He was more than willing to try and learned quite quickly. I am adding a few pics that were taken last weekend. Our uneventful lives are well documented.

The Piano Man showing off his skills.
Lane in the spotlight.
Jason and Chance playing with Bob and me on the lookout.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

All of those pictures are so cute!!! I love the first one of Jason. He has the funniest expressions! And Chance is so cute, and Lane is getting so big! I miss all of you!!!