Monday, March 3, 2008


Hi again!!!! I am back. I have been promising pictures of some of our progress on the house for the last couple of weeks, and I am finally producing. But, there aren't just pictures of the bathrooms, which look much better, but I have also included some pictures of Jason's new storage bed (It is really a nice addtion to his room) and pictures of the new baby's dresser. And to make this post even better I added the pictures of the cakes that the Chocolatier made.

My mom came down last Wednesday for a meeting and took Jason home with her on Thursday. So, Colin I took advantage of not having a little on around for a night and went out to a nice Italian dinner. Then when we got home I went to sleep..... very early. I was out by 8:15. I felt so rested the next morning.

Friday, Colin left work early to pick Jason up in Thermopolis. I took advantage of my time alone by getting the house cleaned. There are so many things that are so difficult to get done with my little helper at my side. But, I got most of them finished. It was a wonderful way to keep busy since our house is lonely without wild man by my side. It is a sad day without a kiddo telling me jokes and running all over making a bigger mess than I can clean up. When they pulled up to the house at 7 that evening I couldn't have been happier.

The next morning we woke up to a sick Jason and I was sick too. It was the beginings of being sick, but we were both in denial. Colin's parents came into town that morning and the projects began. After lunch we went to the store to pick up a dresser for the new baby and a storage bed for Jason. When we got home Jay and Colin got busy and put the two new pieces of furniture together. I have to mention that they also had to move some huge furniture just to make room for the new items too. It wasn't an easy task and we are so thankful for the help. Connie and Jason played, snuggled and read books. They really had a great time. By the time Jay and Connie left Jason had a really high fever and was taking a turn for the worse. The little man wasn't feeling well at all. I had started to cough and my chest felt like it was on fire. We knew that our weekend of fun was just begining.

Since Colin was the only one that wasn't sick, he had his hands full. He took care of Jason while I coughed and coughed and coughed... well, you get the point. Motrin helped bring down Wild Man's fever and today he is just stuffy. We have been resting and hoping that we will all be healthy soon. I am going to call the doc today and see what I can do for this so that I can nip it in the bud. So, once again, we are on our road to recovery.

We might be sick, but we are so pleased to say that we are getting more and more prepared for the new little man with each passing day. Even with the crazy things that try to trip up our plans like the little bouts of sickness, we are checking things off of our list. It doesn't matter how sick or tired we get, that is a great feeling. I hope all of you had a wondeful weekend. Take care of yourselves, stay healthy and enjoy........................

The chocolate cake............... I really don't have to tell you how good this one was.... YUMMY!!!

The cheesecake. If you like cheesecake this is the best you will ever try and if you don't, try it and you might change your mind.
The master bathroom (the floor still isn't complete):

Notice the new light fixture..... Colin is turning into quite the handy man.

The public restroom:

Jason's new bed complete with a bookcase on the headboard....... He loves it. It is so comfy and he is so happy to have his books so close.

The youngest Moody Man's dresser. We even have the diapers ready to go. I can't believe how small they are. Only a few more weeks. YIPPY!!!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!

1 comment:

Moody Family said...

Just some antibiotics and Jason and I will be all better.... WOOOOO!!!!!HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!