Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hello month #9!!!

Grandma Denise with her hands full taking the dogs and Jason out for a walk...... can anyone say mega exercise regiment?

It has been a long road, with many bumps, but we are almost there. The finish line is in sight. I know I said that I would post pics of my deformed neck, but after talking with Maggie I decided that no one wants to see me like that. Just take Colin's word for it, it wasn't pretty.

The cookie is soooooooooooo good!!!

I do appologize for taking so long to post. Things have been a little crazy. If we aren't going to the doc for some reason or another, we are trying to get something else done. Jason has been such a great helper. We have had one hurdle with him.......... the MINE stage has begun. I have to say, it is horrible when almost every word out of his mouth is MINE or THAT MINE. We will be very happy when this stage is over. If you do happen to get around Jason it is fun to tell him No, it's mine. He throws the hugest fit...... I think it is funny. Giving him a taste of his own medicine...... works every time.

For those of you wondering how big I really am...............

Not much is new here except the fact that I am growing very fast now. For the record, I am now the same size I was when I had Jason. To recap, he was 8lb 5oz and had the shoulders and belly of a 10+ pounder. It wasn't pretty. Hopefully my doc will listen to me tomorrow afternoon when I share my worries with him on the size thing. But, for now, the baby is healthy and strong. We all just can't wait to meet him. Jason isn't sure what that involves, but the idea of sharing is much better than the reality I am sure. Although he says that he can't wait to meet brother right now, he will be in shock when the little bug comes home with us. It will be interesting to say the least.

Colin is doing well. I think he is as ready for the inevitable as I am. He tries to put on a calm face, but he is on his toes under it all. At this point the bags are packed and everything is prepped for another member of this fam.

Despite the fact that we are basically waiting, we have accomplished a few things. Our yard is raked and ready for seed and fertilizer. Raking is great exercise and made me feel so good (I am not being a smart ass either..... it is true). You might find is difficult to picture a 9 month pregnant woman out raking, but it isn't as goofy looking as you would think. Colin also finished the floor in our bathroom. It looks much better and finally feels clean.

Jason has been playing dinosaurs and trucks every day. He really gets mad when the dinos don't fit on his little matchbox cars...... go figure. It helps him keep busy and it is something I can play too. I do have to tell all of you that I am very sick of playing that game though........ Feel free to come on over to our house and play with him. Just a warning though, dinosaurs and cars get old fast (5 hours usually is my cut off point). Colin is sick of them and he has only been playing them for the weekend. The fun never ends here.

Well now on to walking, and waiting. I hope all of you are doing well. I don't know how often I will be posting between now and B-day, but I will do my best. Take care and enjoy.............

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