Friday, January 9, 2009


The boys went to the doc today for their well check ups and boy are they healthy. Jason is 39 inches and he has lost a little weight and is now 39 pounds, but doing very well. Jacob is 19 pounds 10.5 ounces and is 29 inches long. As always Jason is at the top of the size and weight range and Jake is average... cuter than average though. Both boys got shots and Jason has once again proven that he is the tough man.... he does much better with shots than I do. But the boys are very cute and loving life.

Jake stood up in the middle of the floor last week without any help... so I don't think walking is too far in our future. That is if he decides that walking is more convenient than his speed crawling. Jason told Colin that he wishes he was little like him so that they could get bunk beds together too. He is always full of things like that. I hope all of you are doing well and I will have pictures posted over the weekend. The nice weather was calling to me so we spent the last couple of days outside instead of blogging. Take care and look forward to the pics to come.

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