Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Baby.. Baby

Another doctors appointment has come and gone. The baby is growing well and is quite healthy. He has a very strong heartbeat and sure can kick. Jason has started to say that he loves his baby brother. He is really good at saying the word brother now. He runs up to me and asks "Where's baby?..... He hiding.... HA!HA!" I think he really likes the idea of a brother now, but I am sure it won't seem so cool when the little bug comes home with us and doesn't leave.

My belly at 22.5 weeks. Growing fast now.

Jason would tell you that we have another baby in the house now too. He says that Moe is a baby because she has to wear a diaper. You see, Moe is in heat right now. So, to protect our belongings from Moe, she has to wear a doggy diaper. She really hates it. It works well though and it has been nearly 2 weeks so she should be close to done with it. Next month we are getting her fixed so that we won't have to do this again. A funny story about Moe in heat is that she humps everything. I know she is a female, but for some reason that is what she does. Poor Mae takes the brunt of Moe's goofiness. Last night Moe jumped on Mae and Jason pointed and said "Moe ride Mae.... HE HEEEEEEE!!!" He was just tickled that Moe could ride Mae. I know it is pretty sick humor, but boy has it been entertaining.

Moe in her diaper.

I hope all of you are having a great day. We will keep you posted on any new baby updates. Take care and we will talk to all of you soon...........

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