Friday, June 15, 2007

A Taste So Bad.......

It is obvious that no matter where you live some kind of vandalism or wrong doing can occur. For instance in Meeteetse I dealt with someone blowing a toilet up with fire works after they went potty in it. It was very disgusting and I was surprised that happened in Meeteetse. But, it was just some kids screwing around and I hope they learned a lesson.

Curious kids are everywhere. They are going to push the limits. We can only hope that they aren't too far into bad behavior and have lost that sense of innocence that children should posses. Even the best children will do something to get into trouble at one time or another. We were lucky in Laramie because nothing happened to us there. But Casper has been a different story for us.

The first place we lived had quite the mix of people. During the day you would see kids playing on the street and you would even see the occasional drug deal. Then when night rolled around you had more of the drug traffic and even some prostitutes thrown into the mix. It is was frightening enough that we didn't need anything to happen to us at that house.

The second house was in a much better neighborhood. Our neighbors were friendly and we really enjoyed being there. This is when we got back to the kids doing stupid things. Our pickup was egged there. It wasn't that bad, but we still can't get the egg off of the drivers side door.

Now that we own our house we are really trying to get comfortable in Casper. We know that we might be here for a long time (fingers crossed that we won't) and are trying to make the best of it. But, just as we are getting settled in some kid has to go and do something to leave a bad taste in your mouth. When Colin got up this morning with Jason he was just prepping for their morning routine. At this point he looked out the window to see the paper boy walking toward our pickup (which is in the driveway). Colin was taken back when the kid walked up to the door, opened it, and got inside. The kid had his paper shawl on too (It said Casper Star Tribune in big letters). So, it was easy to see where the kid worked. Within seconds Colin flew out the door and the kid didn't even hear him because he was too focused on rooting through the contents of the pickup (thank God it is pretty much empty). Colin proceeded to knock on the window and ask the kid what he thought he was doing. The kid didn't even seem worried, gave some lame excuse about using the lighter for a string (We don't know what he meant by that), and then Colin still had to tell him to get out. He had no remorse and went on with his business. Colin stewed over this until I woke up. Then we discussed it and decided we had to do something. If it was his first time he needed some consequence so he didn't do it again and if he is a regular at breaking and entering then he needs to get into trouble. I would have loved to have talked to his parents, but we don't know his name or where he lives. The only form of identification is that he is the paper boy. So, with the thought that he could have stolen stuff from other people on the street we decided to report him to the paper. I looked up the number and called. This may not have been the best action to take, but we felt that we had to do something. I am still waiting for them to call me back, but it is just giving me more time to get angry. I will let you know how it turns out.

After this, I am looking at it like it was a kid doing a stupid thing and telling myself that it would happen no matter where we live. We just moved from one group of kids doing stupid things on one side of town to a new group in our neighborhood. Colin on the other hand is very angry and has such a sour taste in his mouth about Casper he would have called the cops if it weren't for all of the paper work and time it would take to go that rout. I don't blame him for being angry, it hasn't been easy since we moved to Casper. The second we get in a neighborhood that we feel safe in something else happens. I just pray that this kid isn't a regular when it comes to illegal activities.......................................................

On a happier note.....HAPPY B-DAY Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wish we could be there to do somer saults for you, but Jason will perform next month in a special show just for you. Have a great day!!!!!

Nothing like saying Happy Birthday with a basket on your head and with a yard stick ready to take out anyone that is brave enough to try to ruin you day. He is your guardian for the day.


Moody Family said...

The boy has been fired. His mom is mad that I didn't call the cops, but I still stand behind my decision. Now she can decide on his punishment. I really think that is why she is mad, she has to punish him. Anyway...I told her to feel free to contact me at any time and I would be happy to sit down and visit with her and her son. She wasn't all that impressed, but I just might be getting a knock on my door soon.

Zack and Jenny said...

Send him to Singapore for a good dose of the bamboo cane!

Moody Family said...

How much do you think postage is on something like that? Who cares. Now to find out where he lives...............