Thursday, June 5, 2008

Upcoming b-days

I just caught a break in my crazy day trying to get some things done before an open house and packing really gets underway. Since things are going to get busy here for the next few weeks, to say the least, I wanted to wish Glacier happy b-day tomorrow... you are growing up too fast pup. And in the middle of the month...I mean right in the middle.... Maggie is going to be celebrating a b-day. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THOSE WARNERS!!!! I know it is early, but I didn't want you to think I forgot. I hope there are a lot of tennis balls for you Glacier and Maggie I hope the weather cooperates and on the 15th you will be able to take your hike. Take care everyone...............

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Awww Glacier is happy you remembered it was his birthday! He doesn't know it yet but I found Jeep Tennis Balls, and he is getting some Frosty Paws doggie ice cream. Should be a good time! Thanks!