Monday, June 9, 2008

Change of plans

I just wanted to write a quick note and give another Hawaii update. Yesterday as my fam was going to Hilo to prep for a flight out this morning... my Grandpa Scott's cold got worse. Mom and dad took him to the ER there and he was admitted. He had pnemonia and since he is 81 and has a bad heart, they admitted him. We are hoping and praying for a speedy recovery so that he can return home soon and get out of the hospital. I am sure he would love to be back to his dogs and his own bed. But, for now please send good thoughts or prayers his way... whatever you believe in. He needs all he can get right now. This really makes our house mess seem minor and I can't wait to see my fam and feel lucky to be able to spend a couple of weeks with them..... take care everyone and I will post more news as it comes in.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Oh this makes me so sad! You know how much I love your Grandpa! A trip to Meeteetse and a Warner party is just not the same without him. I'll be sending lots of prayers and happy thoughts his way, and the way of his nurses since we know he's giving them all hell!