Friday, April 4, 2008

The bad side of beer

Honestly, I never thought there could be a bad side of beer. But, New Belgium Brewing Company has made quite a statement. They oppose a uranium mine in northern CO. I can understand this if it were an open pit or something like that, but it is ISL. For those of you that are thinking.... radiation........ Colin isn't exposed any more than a kid digging in the dirt and he is out around wells almost every day. He doesn't have to wear special equipment or take any more safety precautions than someone drilling a water well. This is the web site dedicated to New Belgium's petition.

I can understand supporting wind generated power........ but I think that we have to be open to many different sources of energy. Uranium isn't what it was 50 years ago, in fact it is an excellent source of energy in my mind. There isn't the worry of spent rods like in the past and it is more efficient than a lot of power sources. Sure, it can be used to make weapons, but that is why we have regulations. Although I don't agree with all of the things that individual uranium companies do, that is where our income comes from. I also feel very strongly that uranium is a great resource that we should utilize. Even if Colin didn't work in the uranium industry I would feel that way. Of course I probably wouldn't be as informed on the subject either. I think that our energy demands require us to use many different sources. We can't limit ourselves. There is just too much out there to explore. This whole thing will make it difficult for us to purchase beer from New Belgium in good conscience. I am sure that a lot of people don't agree with us on this subject, but as long as well informed decision is made it doesn't matter. My problem is with people jumping to conclusions about certain things without having all of the information.

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