Thursday, July 24, 2008

Funny men

I have shown you pictures, but haven't told you many stories about the boys. As I always say... Jake smiles ALL OF THE TIME!!!! He is so happy he now rolls over as much as he smiles. It won't be long before the boy is a little bowling ball rolling all over the house. I say bowling ball because he is also huge... very very large. He fits right in with his big brother. Speaking of his big brother... that boy is full of it. We have hit what is actually the terrible two's. I didn't know what that was until it was here. By the way, it isn't exactly a fun thing when he is always telling me NO!!! He just says it because I am the one suggesting something... but grandma says the same thing and he is happy go lucky about it. Jason also loves to help grandma out a lot. He has his own special way of doing things though. Here is a good one...... Last week, he helped mom pick up dog doody. Mom was using a shovel and he was anxious to assist her. But since he didn't have a shovel, he just picked it up with his hand.... KIDS ARE GROSS!!!!.... oh and another rule has been added to the book.... We only pick up dog poo with a SHOVEL!!! That rule book is growing rapidly. I hope all of you are doing well. Take care and I will post more soon.............

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