Sandwich lover.
Last weekend Jason had a chance to spend one whole day playing with his friend William. Wild Bill and Jason spent most of the day sitting in a tent talking and conspiring to make the biggest mess possible. After a long hard day of playing and conspiring Wild Bill crashed out sitting straight up and Jason actually slept through the night.The rest of the weekend was a lot of fun as well. Jason even saw the Easter Bunny and his wife. After greeting them with hugs he stole a hat from the Easter Bunny's wife and made it his own. Our little buckeroo had a wonderful weekend playing and visiting. I will have many more pictures in the future. Some classics were taken this weekend. For those of you that had a long weekend enjoy getting back in the swing of things and for those of you that didn't get any time off, sorry. Maggie...... we all can't wait to see pics of your new digs too. Have fun everyone and I will have more to share very soon.
Jason with Mrs. Bunny's hat!!!
I'm pretty sure Jason's mom and dad both are fans of the sandwich. It must be genetic. :)
As you know we are fans of all food and eat anything and everything.
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