Thursday, February 25, 2010

Petting Zoo

Today was very special for the boys... It was PETTING ZOO DAY!!!!! The boys were so excited. Jason went with his preschool and Jake and I met him there. It was the perfect picture opportunity. Jake was nervous at first but really got into it by the time we left. Jason loved every second of it. He is fearless and would have sat on the donkey all day. Jake was our little ham. Newspaper photogs took pics of him like crazy. What cute little wild men. It was a blast....
Jason with some of his friends checking out the chickens.
Jason with his class looking at Joe, the horse.
Jake was a little freaked by the donkey.
Jake didn't like the goat at first, but once it gave him a kiss they were friends.
Jason on the donkey!!!
Now we get to enjoy prepping for Colin's birthday. He turns 29 Saturday. We are going to have a special dinner with the fam. The menu includes tacos and cheesecake... his favorites. I can't wait. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Colin!!!!! We love you!!!!

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