Thursday, September 18, 2008

Break Through

With a huge sigh of relief, I can now report that we are all getting past our colds... They really make the rounds when there are 6 people in one house. But we are all feeling much better. Jason is loving preschool. He might only go once a week, but lord that kid is happy when I drop him off and cries like a wild animal when I pick him up. It really is much harder on me than him. Jacob and I like the time with just us, but we sure miss that big boy. I am glad it is only 2 hours for now, next year it will be more, but this is a good way for me to transition. Jacob had a big break through the other day as well.... he didn't break through anything, but a tooth sure did break through his gums. My littlest man is now a single pronger. It is sooooo cute. I wish it was easy to photograph, but it is his bottom left. I can't wait to share his tooth filled pics when his tooth gets out a little further. Just wanted to give a little update. Hope all is well. Take care and I will keep all of you up on the exciting happenings around here......... you know, the fun never stops.

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