Now that is a bad case of cotton mouth!!
I was just thinking about all of those crazy sayings that we use all of the time and about those that just make us laugh. The one I used for a title was one that I heard last weekend from our friend Chad. Who ever came up with that one is very creative. Then there are so many that have come from my brother in law, Dave. My favorite one that he says is “Off like a prom dress.” Then there are the ones that have been around for as long as I can remember such as “bleeding like a stuck pig” or “hungry as a horse.” Those aren’t as funny, but still used frequently. Then there are the meaningful ones like “The early bird gets the worm.” We have all heard that one but does anyone know where it came from? My question is where these catchy phrases find their beginnings? Are there people out there that just write catchy phrases or are they thought up on a whim? Do any of you have a favorite? I would love to hear them.
My friend/neighbor Brianne says, "Make like a baby and head out."
Now that one will definately go down under the funny catagory. I think it will even be repeated a lot in the future. Thanks for the new one Brianne.
Make like a tree and leaf. Make like a banana and split. Make like a hockey stick and get the puck out. Make like a library and book. I like the hockey one. :) :) :)
"I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's."
That one came from The Simpsons. It doesn't quite fit with the rest, but was very funny when used. That's the best I can come up with.
You can't go wrong with the Simpsons.
make like a salad and lettuce alone...
make like deordorant and roll on. . .
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