Which book next?
It is just amazing how a child can love books before he or she can even understand the pictures on the pages. Even though books don't make crazy noises or have flashy movements children seem to be drawn to them. Jason deffinately loves books. He would have Colin and I read all day every day if he could. As soon as he started to walk he began to carry his books over to us and grunt or cry until we read it. Now he walks over with a book, opens one of our hands and shoves the book in it. After reading a book 20 times in a row I tend to hide it. But, he always goes and grabs another. This would be wonderful if it were fun and exciting books, but most of them are full of mindless rhyming. We love reading those books to him..........to a point. After a while it gets old reading the same book over and over again. Maggie gave Jason a collection of books for Christmas that has helped with this problem. There are enough books there that Jason can rotate them. He still has his favorites though. He loves pretty much any Dr. Seuss and especially Cuddles the Cow. I guess he has a great start to loving books and reading. Who knows maybe he will love school.
On another note we are currently getting ready to paint the spare room/office in our house. Yesterday we took down shelves and filled holes. Today it is the big paint day. So, the next time anyone comes to visit your room should be a lot nicer. Have a great day and I will post some updates soon.
That kid is going to be a GENIUS with all those books!
i'm looking for 'the pokey little puppy'
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