Mr. Hollywood himself!!!
Not many people have the opportunity to live with a famous rock star......... but we do. Jason loves to put on his safety glasses and sing his heart out. Most of the time you can't understand what he is singing, but it usually ends with a open mouthed WOW!!!!! He has also discovered two favorite toys....... Legos of course and hampers.
Mae getting in on the rock and roll action.
Taking a break.....Playing just takes it out of you.
Legos are pretty self explanitory, but he has come up with an interesting game with them. I call it Lego Hide and Seek. One of us will take a Lego and hide it somewhere in the house and the other goes around looking for it while giggling of course. Jason cheats though. He follows me laughing so hard at times that he can't even walk then he picks up the Lego and squeals like a pig. I guess I cheat a little too. I listen to every move he makes, which leads to the Lego. He also loves to build things with Legos, but by no means can two Legos of the same color touch otherwise he rips that creation to its foundation.
Hampers Rock!!
Now hampers always baffle me. How can they be so much fun, but they are a blast. They can be a car or a great place to sit and visit. Someday I am sure he will watch tv sitting in one, but for now it is all about play time. Have a happy Easter everyone and I will be back next week with some new..... fun pictures and stories.
Can you see me now?
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