Saturday, February 14, 2009


My two sweet little men.
I know I have said this before.... but our boys are just too cute for words. This has been a week of huge developments for all of us. To start Jason is officially in big boy undies. At night he wears pull ups... but our big boy is on the road to being fully house broke. Jake has really been working on walking and has taken a few steps on his own. He also made the huge step to forward facing car seat. Our little men are growing up. As for Colin and I, the paper work is all in for the final purchase of the house we are currently renting.... now we have to wait for it to pass inspections... keep your fingers crossed. I hope all of you had a wonderful week and that you enjoy this long weekend. I know we will. Take care......................
Jake was playing peek a boo with the cabinet door.
Our artist...
Our little men getting cleaned up
Jakers love to play with trucks.
Look at those blue eyes...

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