Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Today I want to wish my wonderful husband a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It seems as though no matter what happens, good or bad he always stays strong and lives life for the moment. Looking at him and the boys always reminds me of how great life is. He also has a great sense of humor. Those of you that know him well understand what I am talking about. Happy Birthday Colin!!! Thank you for everything you do for me and boys. We hope you have a great day. See you tonight.

With the joys of having the most wonderful men surrounding me every day, we have had a little rough news in the last couple of days. It turns out that the bank won't finance us on this house due to structural issues with the foundation. It is a bit of a bummer, but not the end of the world. We will continue to try to find another house and hope we can find one in this neighborhood. As long as we have a roof over our heads and our family is healthy and happy, everything will be ok. Material things are minor. So, we are moving on and going to enjoy Colin's birthday and the laughter of our young little men.

I hope all of you have had a great week. If it has been a little bumpy, just remember what is really important and give those that you love a big hug because they are the greatest gift anyone can ask for.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh my oh my

I need to first apologize once again for not posting for such a long time. Things have been a little wild and fun for us..... as usual. In the last week we have had a bridal shower for my cousin Savanna and been to her wedding. When we weren't enjoying in those festivities we were spending time outside in the warm weather. It has been beautiful. The boys and me have been having a blast. We have been walking every day and playing out in the yard.

Having a little fun before a walk.

As I mentioned we had a shower for Savanna... Now that was a kick in the pants. We enjoyed some traditional shower games along with some that are not so traditional. There was the standard making a wedding dress out of toilet paper then the very unconventional butt darts. Oh it was fun.............
Our little group that came to the bridal shower.
Looking good
Saturday was the big day. The wedding was in Story, WY. Everything was quite beautiful and Savanna looked amazing. I have to admit that our two boys were quite strapping in their dress clothes. The goal of the day was met and Savanna and Matt are now married. It was so nice to see the whole fam and we sure had a nice time. To top it off the roads were great.... what more could we ask for.
Savanna and Matt..... time to party.
Jason hugging the beautiful bride
My boys showing the love.
Jacob riding on his dad's shoulders yelling at the crowd.
I hope all of you are doing very well and have a great week. Colin's birthday is Friday and we are having a small party Sunday so I will have pics to post. Have a good one..................

Saturday, February 14, 2009


My two sweet little men.
I know I have said this before.... but our boys are just too cute for words. This has been a week of huge developments for all of us. To start Jason is officially in big boy undies. At night he wears pull ups... but our big boy is on the road to being fully house broke. Jake has really been working on walking and has taken a few steps on his own. He also made the huge step to forward facing car seat. Our little men are growing up. As for Colin and I, the paper work is all in for the final purchase of the house we are currently renting.... now we have to wait for it to pass inspections... keep your fingers crossed. I hope all of you had a wonderful week and that you enjoy this long weekend. I know we will. Take care......................
Jake was playing peek a boo with the cabinet door.
Our artist...
Our little men getting cleaned up
Jakers love to play with trucks.
Look at those blue eyes...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hi again

Last week got a little wild but it seems as though things are back to the norm now. Colin and the boys had a very successful first night without me. There weren't any crazy happenings or emergencies either...... I am so proud of my men. Friday Colin's dad came to watch the boys and from the sounds of it they had a whole lot of fun. As for my b-day... thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts..... I appreciate it. Although the day started out on a rough note, it ended on a very good note. There is nothing like coming home to see my smiling kids and Colin. Now on to another week. Take care and have a great one everyone.... I will post more later this week.

Jason with a balloon in his jams... nothing like superman getting a little saggy in the middle... UP UP AND AWAY!