The plot thickens. My doc has been kind of a mystery for us up until now. He tells us one thing and does another. As Karen said, a doctor is providing a service and should listen to their patients, but it is even worse when the intentionally give you false statements. Up until now my doc has just told us that he was going to do things like perform an ultrasound, check to see if I am dilated or that we would talk about our options since the baby is so large. I know I have 9 days left until my due date, but the size of the baby causes some need for concern on the docs part. If the baby gets too big, it can be very dangerous. This doc acts like he is concerned when he talks to us in the office, but when I come back for another appointment, he acts like he has never seen me before. Then on Monday when I went in, the story got even more strange. My blood pressure was high and I was dilated 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. So, he told me to come in on Wednesday to get my blood pressure checked and we could talk about possibly setting a date for induction. He had said things like this before but, we felt like we had no reason to believe that he was telling us anything that wasn't truthful. So, yesterday morning I walked into the office and it was empty except for a nurse and the people at the front desk. I was pretty taken back. They took me back and checked my blood pressure, which was down to an OK level by the way, and then said Have a nice day!!! Where was my doc (the nurse said he would be in around 10:30)? What about him talking to us about our options? I was in shock. So, Jason and I left. Later I called the office to see what was going on. Did he just blow us off or was it because he just had other things that came up (delivering babies), but was informed that I couldn't speak with the doctor unless it was an emergency. They later told me that he never comes in the office on Wednesdays unless he absolutely has to. He told us to come in and talk to him Wednesday knowing he wouldn't even be in the office. It was a shock. But after venting to my parents I have come to terms with the fact that I can't trust my doc. No other doctor can get me in to see them in the short time I have left, so I am stuck where I am. But, strange enough, I had an erie calm come over me. I know that I will have to go into labor on my own, I know that I can't trust my doc, and I know that when I do go into labor I will not be picky about which doc delivers this baby... the doc on call will do just fine. So, I will check in at the front desk when the time comes and get it done. It is a lot easier now that I have just accepted the situation. Things were a lot more stressful when I was worried that I didn't hear the doc right or that he was blowing me off. Now I know that he just doesn't have enough pride in his job to do it well. In my experience, he doesn't care about each individual patient. All I can say is thank goodness we are almost done and I will continue to walk on....... without worrying about my doc anymore.
On a lighter note............. No, we don't have a name yet. We are still coming up with a list. As I have said before any name suggestions for the little man are welcome with open arms. I can't make any promises about which one will be picked, we have to wait to meet the little man. Jason suggested the name Wayne... not happening and he also suggested calling his brudder Backhoe or Yoder. All were good contributions, but I don't think they will work for this baby.
Speaking of Jason, I have never seen a kid so happy that baseball season is here. He plays all of the time. Somehow he can fit it in to his busy dino/car playing schedule. He runs over and puts his baseball cap on so that he can play.............. evidently it is impossible to play the game the right way without a hat on. He hits the ball at times, but his true passion is pitching. We have to give him a wiffle ball to throw in the house because the kid can do some damage with anything that is more substantial.
He even makes you hold the bat correctly........ tool pusher.
Also, I want to thank Gary and Karen for the beautiful baby blanket. It rocks!!!! Jason loves his, we love ours, and I know the littlest Moody man will love his too. It will go everywhere with us. THANK YOU!!!!!! So that everyone can see how awesome this blanket is there is a pic below. I just wish you could feel it too.
The blanket!!!
I hope all of you are having a good week. Once again I will update if we have any news, but I don't expect any. This kid is going to stay in until he is 20 pounds. That would be a sight. Have a great weekend everyone and take care of yourselves....................
i like 'backhoe'
I totally understand about the talking to the Dr about specific things one time and then the next time you go in they act like they have never seen you before. I had a horrible experience with my OB too! I hated him by the 6th month and wished I had switched then. He was actually the one that ended up delivering JT too, which I prayed and prayed he wouldn't. Dr Lori Smothers used to be my GYN when I lived there and she is AWESOME. Every one I know goes to her and she is really really nice. She is also in the same office with Dr Scaling, who by the way delivered me 28 years ago, and he is really super nice too! Maybe they could do your 6 week check-up?! Were still praying and sorry the Dr is quacko, I know 1st hand how frustrating that can be. You better have that little boy in the next 3 weeks, cause that is when me and little JT will be back...can't wait to see him!
Perhaps the newest member is waiting until April 11th. That would be my birthday. Plus if he is born then he can go to the Frozen Four every year to celebrate his birthday.
I like 'backhoe' too
For those admiring the quilt... I just put it together. Maggie picked out the fabric!!!!
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