Monday, March 31, 2008


Another weekend gone and still no baby. As I last reported.... he is huge. This is weighing heavy on my mind along with the fact that my doc won't listen to my concerns..... Everything that has happened so far has been like pulling teeth. Last week he didn't believe that there was any way that I could be carrying such a large baby with my belly being the size it was. After a near breakdown and a lot of convincing, he finally did an ultrasound and found that my worries were valid. But, as I prepare to go into the doc at 3 today, I know it is going to be the same old story. He won't do anything and will just blow off what I say. So, here is CHEERS to docs that don't listen to their patients..... Another reason Casper is just sooooooo wonderful. After going through a week of very potent contractions (big enough to make me turn tomato red and sweat so that it was visible to any person that saw me), I have given up on the idea that I will ever go into labor on my own. They get to be about 10 minutes apart and very intense before, BAM.... they are gone. When I finally do go into labor, this baby isn't going to fit. Jason barely did and at this point.... this one is larger, the question is, how much larger. So, I know I am looking at a c-section performed by a doc that will not listen to his patients. The fun never ends. Sheena and her mom had a chance to see me in my finest moments of contractions...... I think it freaked them out a little. They were sure that I was going into labor, but no such luck. So, it isn't just Colin and I that are imagining this. Enough of the whining.................... some things in life aren't fair and that is how it is. I just hope in the end that the baby is ok. I don't want him to get stuck and have problems for the rest of his life because a doc didn't listen. That is my biggest fear at this point. Oh and as a side note..... Those people that say enjoy those last few weeks of feeling the baby move............. That is a load honkey!!!! It doesn't feel good, it hurts, and is gross to top it off. No, I am not a lover of the whole pregnancy thing, but when you are so big that it feels as though your skin is going to split, a moving baby isn't going to add to the joy. I wish people would stop saying that I should enjoy feeling the baby move. I would much rather be holding him and feeling him move in my arms.......... hopefully sooner than later.

But, despite the miserable contractions all weekend, we did our best to just enjoy our time. Colin was so pleased to find out that he had all 4 of the final four picked (It looks like he has the office pool in the bag). Jason, Colin and I spent the time watching basketball...... amazing games by the way...... and if you watch a game, you must play it in our house. So we played basketball and even some baseball. It was pretty fun. Jason is a better athlete than Colin and I ever were. He has instincts. I don't know if he will play sports in the future, but he will have the talent if that is what he wishes to do. Heck, I prove that you don't even need talent to enjoy sports. He will be good if he plays. I also went to a baby shower for Sheena's sister in law. It was nice to see everyone and thank you Sheena and Scott for the baby clothes and the teether.... they are really cute. Also thanks for helping me get my mind off of everything..... I needed that.

So, as the weekend ends and the work week is beginning I just wanted to say hi and give another update. I apologize for not posting as much as I used to and for being negative, but I will get back into the swing of things soon. I will try to stay upbeat and have a good outlook on things......... it is just hard right now. If there is any news after my appointment today I will go ahead and post. If not........ you know it is the same old stuff. Now on to playing a fun game of dinosaurs riding cars..... I get to be the stegosaurus today. Have a good week and I will talk to you soon.


The Kinley's said...

I know, it's hard when we know what you are feeling and you're trying to tell the Dr, but they won't listen. We'll be praying that everything goes OK with the delivery, not only for the little guy, but for you as well. God creates miracles everyday and it amazes me how our bodies can grow a tiny little dot into a 9 or even 10 lbs in your case, in just 9 months. Don't think that He can't deliver a miracle at the very end! And if you have a c-section, well then we can be in misery together because I STILL haven't accepted the fact that I had one and there wasn't any problems with's was more about JT wanting to see where he was going instead of tucking and rolling with it! I hope you get good news today!

The Breadmaker said...

You get the medical care you DEMAND,not what you deserve!!!!You are the consumer here Lori, be firm and explicit and demand that your concerns be heard.... if that doc doesn't listen,don't be afraid to dismiss him and find someone else.I know it sounds scary at this point,but you and your baby deserve the best!!!!

petecobb99 said...

um, according to your countdown, you still have 11 days to go!