Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another update

Isn't it just amazing how a person can stay home, not work, only have one kid and stay busy? This just shocks me on a daily basis. Jason is a wild man, but I just never thought there would be so much to do.

To top things off we are working on the whole potty thing............ we are at a stand still. Jason loves to read books on the pot, but it seems as though going pee is a thing of our dreams.

Then there is the icing on the cake. Those of you that know me know that I am the super clutz..... well my glory is shining bright this week. Tuesday night I got up to check on Jason and as I tried to get out of bed, I had a stabbing pain in my upper abdomen. This was followed by a burning sensation that engulfed the left side of my belly. The pain lasted for a day, but with rest it went away. I didn't call the doc because I didn't think anything was wrong with the baby. Then last night, I did the same thing. I am not jumping up or anything, I just roll out of bed and drop to the floor in pain. It takes everything I have not to scream out loud. So, this morning I thought it would be a good idea to call the doc. They believe I pulled my abdominal muscles. I officially feel stupid and clumsy. If I am not stepping on screws or hurting my foot, I am pulling muscles. Oh this is fun.

Thank goodness there is only about 2.5 months left. This little guy is going to be a wild one too. He moves all of the time (helping the pain a lot). Now we are in super crunch time...... is there anyone out there with names? We have a short list now..... but lets see if we can come up with a good variety. If this is anything like it was with Jason, we will walk into the hospital with a long list and when we see the little guy, none of the names will be right and we will be stuck and not be able to leave the hospital without a name. We are hoping that if we get a variety that won't happen. Jason thinks we should name the baby Barry. He is full of little things like that. By the way..... that won't be the baby's name.

I hope everyone is having a great week. I have another doctors appointment on Monday afternoon so I will have an update then. For now, I am going to try to rest up so that I will be able to get around when mom and dad show up tomorrow night. Take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend..............


amy said...

how have you been feeling?

Moody Family said...

I have been very tired and my body feels like it has been hit by a train. But, I think that comes with the territory. Between Jason and the littlest one, I am pretty well done in. Only a little more time left though... then for exhaustion. Thank goodness the little ones are cute and entertaining. They are fun.

petecobb99 said...

i have a name
it is gary

petecobb99 said...

oh, did you mean a name for the baby?