Monday, January 14, 2008


It seems as though kids bring you through all kinds of adventures... some very happy, some sad, and some that are very frightening...... they all are exciting. Jason has already brought us through so many that I try to share with you. Over the weekend he got very sick. It was so scary to see him feeling as poorly as he was. After calling the doctor, we found out that it was a virus and all we could do is try to keep his temperature down and keep him hydrated. His fever got as high as 104.8 at times, a terrifying time for us all. But, a bath and some medicine brought it back down to lower levels. So, our weekend consisted of a lot of worrying. There is nothing more sad than watching someone you love in pain, especially when they are helpless. It was a heart wrenching experience, but thankfully his fever broke and now he is just battling a runny nose. I just pray that this won't happen again any time in the near future. Hopefully all of you had a much better weekend. Now on to another week of suprises and excitement....................

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