Monday, October 15, 2007

GO FALL!!!!!

First I must apologize for not posting any pictures........... I kept on getting an error message when I tried, so I will post some tomorrow.

Now for an update on our wild weekend of fun. It kind of sounds like a theme park, and well...... it could be; maybe comedy club would be a better fit. Anyway...... on to our big weekend of fall fun. It all began with the always fun, trip to the vet. On Friday afternoon Jason and I brought the dogs in for some of their shots. I have to say, it is easier said and imagined than done. There were signs of trouble from the beginning. The moment I got Jason and the dogs out the door, Jason ran toward the street to chase a cat, the dogs did the same. I ran as fast as I could, making Jason the priority (kid + street= bad problem). When I caught him I shoved him under my arm and proceeded to chase the dogs. Thank goodness for long leashes. I was able to stomp Moe's leash first. She hit the end of the line like there was a brick wall in front of her and I wasn't going to let her go. Once Moe was caught, Mae followed............. a relief since I only have two arms. Finally both dogs and Jason were loaded. After the big run away mess, we were running late. So, we raced through town....... through all of the school zones and finally arrived at the vets office. It was time to wrangle all three of them and make my way into the building. Again, easier said than done. I think it would have went more smooth if it weren't for other animals. But, when a little puppy walked in front of us............. Jason took off running screaming puppy puppy Woof Woof!!!! I tried to chase him and keep the dogs away from the frightened little dog, with some success. I am pleased to say that we made our way into the vets office without the dogs eating any other creature. The rest of our visit followed the general pattern set by the two previous events, but one thing I didn't anticipate was Jason's reaction to the vet. When he saw the white coat, he dropped to the ground screaming. With help from the vet I got him and the dogs into the exam room. The problem was that Jason thought that he was going to get shots. He continued to scream until Moe got her two shots. Once he came to the realization that the dogs were getting the "pokies", he thought it was funny. In fact when Mae got her shots, he pointed and laughed. What a nice kid. I am just happy we all made it home after that event.

Of course there were a lot of games to watch. Friday night left us with two very happy baseball wins, but Saturday there was the disappointing UW game and the Red Sox left another sad note. Thank goodness for the Rockies, holding strong and topping the weekend off with a good note. I have to add that watching a game in a house with a toddler is an interactive experience. If there is baseball on tv, Jason runs to get the glove and ball, if it is football, then he grabs his football. He feels like we have to play catch when a game is on. Jason has a great arm and equally impressive aim. Most of the time he wants to play with Colin so, they do just that. It is very funny to watch, since about every 3rd toss Colin is distracted by the game on tv. This leaves him wide open for something painful. Jason keep up his pace and throws a hard ball right at Colin's head. Since Jason doesn't stand a long distance from his target, there is no time to react and Colin usually ends up holding his head in pain. The funniest part of this is that if you watch long enough, you will see this happen over and over again............................... Being the loving wife I am, I laugh.......... a lot.

The rest of our weekend was much more calm and relaxed. We did our standard walking routine, and the weather was amazing. Fall is truly here. Those freakish 80 degree days are behind us and now we have highs in the low 60's and our nights get cold. Last night the weather channel forecast a low of 33 degrees, we were pleased to wake up to 23. It was our first hard frost........ I mean hard. My roses are suspended. It almost looked like they would shatter if I hit them. We just love it.

With the beautiful fall weather, it meant warm food. One of my favorites as I have said before is homemade soups. When you come in from a cold walk, there is nothing that can warm you up like a warm cup of tea or hot chocolate and some soup. That runny canned soup doesn't cut it. So, over the weekend we had homemade potato. It is creamy, thick, and hearty.............. perfect to warm us up. So, we all worked together to prepare the potatoes........ I had a great pic of Jason lending a hand, but as I said before, I keep getting an error. Anyway, while Colin peeled the potatoes, I chopped them up and Jason wanted to help. He always wants to do what we are doing. I have found that if I get a banana out, peal it and put it on a plate in front of him, he can chop it with a kids knife while I do my knife work. The only difference was that Jason eats his as he cuts it up and I put mine in a pot. I think he has a better deal. The soup was everything we had hoped and some. Thank goodness for leftovers (soups are always better the second day).

I know I said that we were going to carve pumpkins, but we saved that for one evening this week. Keep on looking and we will have pictures when that happens. Hopefully I can get them to post. For now, I hope all of you had a great weekend as well. Enjoy another weeks beginning......................

1 comment:

amy said...

what a fun little weekend!