Bucket head...... he likes to walk around with it on his head and uses his arms to guide the way.
Jason is also coming out of his shell around other people. Yesterday we had to go to the mall in search of winter clothing. Before the snow hits Jason needed snow boots, a hat that fits his growing head, mittens to fit his huge hands (bigger than most 3 year olds), and snow pants. He also needed some long sleeve shirts, which are difficult to find in his size (2T to 3T). I think that that must be a popular size. We also needed to walk a lot. Both him and I can use all of the exercise we can get. It was too cold and windy (the wind knocks Jason over) outside and the mall provides the perfect place for us to get the needed exercise anyway. I didn't think there would be any problem finding the needed supplies, but I was oh so wrong. We went into every store that had sales and couldn't even find long sleeve shirts in Jason's size, so snow boots and snow pants were definitely out of the question. After walking around for almost 2.5 hours...... Jason walked and ran the entire time I was ready to give up. On the coming out of the shell thing....... Jason had to say "Hi there... How you?" to every person we saw then said "Bye there" and waved as we walked away. It was super cute at first, but it got old by the time we were done. This constant greeting takes a lot of time and makes it difficult to pull the little man away to continue walking. The moment he would begin to walk, he would do it again. He is just so friendly. I think I got most of my exercise from wrangling him and not from walking. I also realized that Jason picks up on almost everything I do. When I shop I always look at the tags and compare prices. I am addicted to sales and good deals. It crushes me to buy something that isn't on sale. He has seen me look at so many tags that he has started to do the same. He grabs things off of the shelf or rack and then looks at the tag before puting it back. I couldn't believe my eyes, but it is true....... I have created a sale shopper. So, after 2.5 hours of searching I was ready to be done so we stopped at the last place on the list and the closest to the car........ Target. To my surprise... everything that we had been looking for was there. We did all of our shopping in 10 minutes. I couldn't have been more thankful. It was a perfect way to end the day. As we left, Jason did his exit wave and we were on our way home. Now we are ready for the snow. We can't wait to see Jason's reaction. It should be a blast.
Wow.. it sure sounds like he is ahead of the curve. Usually sentences don't form until after 2 years of age so good job. I only know that cause i get emails on child development.. that's a great thing to hear. william still just says a ton of words and will say thank you and short sentences.
i better clarify short sentences.. like thank you mom, more juice,you know things like that..
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