Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Spider Kid!!

Playing on the deck.
I always talk about how wild Jason is. Well with a little help from Colin, he walked on the walls and the ceiling last night. Yes........ that is our Spider Kid!!! All I could think of was the trailer for the Simpson Movie....... Spider Pig, Spider Pig..........

The sport of wall walking (Mae is not a big fan).

After conquering the walls, the next logical place is the ceiling.....

The fun doesn't stop there.................. Jason decided he had to do some computer work this morning. Little did I know that he was going to change my settings. This is the reason that I am writing my blog so late. My space bar opened new pages, my number keys were permanently on caps, and my mouse only selected multiple things at a time. It was a mess and not an easy fix. Especially since my helper wanted to "assist" in the computers treatment. It is cured for now, but I am sure that it won't be the last time my computer gets sick with help from Jason.

On the acquisition news....... It is all wonderful. The new company rocks and appears to be very motivated. It has ignited a new light in Colin. He is very excited and can't wait to see what happens in the future. The new company is Uranium One Inc. Their web site is http://www.uranium1.com/ for those of you that are interested.

Have a wonderful day!


Maggie said...

He looks just like Hairy Plopper in the Simpsons!

Moody Family said...

Hairy Plopper........... Why Yes, Now I see it. He could be his twin, minus the glasses.