Playing with Moe.
It seems as though Jason has found the same love of dogs that both Colin and I share. Of course it helps that our dogs have been amazing with him. Mae hasn't really left his side since the day we brought him home from the hospital. Moe was a little disgruntled at first, but as long as she could still sleep in the bed and he shared his food, all was well. Now when you look at them with Jason it is hard to imagine life before they had each other. They play, fight, and even sleep together. Jason jumps on the dogs and they don't bite, growel, or snap at him. I am sure one day he will get bitten, but I don't see it happening any time soon. My favorite thing to watch is Jason and Moe fight. The picture shows them playing so well that fighting is hard to imagine. Well, it isn't a normal fight, but it is funny. Moe usually nudges Jason quite a while, knocking his drink from his hand, taking toys from him, and even knocking him over at times. After ignoring her for a while, he gets mad and yells at her. Then Moe retaliates by howling in his face. Jason screams at her again. This back and forth can go on for a quite sometime. It is a sight to behold. He gets in similar fights with Mae, but not on a regular basis. There are times when he picks the fights too. He will bother Moe until she howls and then the same back and forth will take place. I have to say that our dogs have been amazing and I couldn't be happier with them when it comes to kids. Just to think, food started this bond that the dogs have with Jason, just another outcome of good eats.
you need to get this on video
um, if i remember correctly, great-grandpa likes to get his dogs all howling in a canine chorus, so jason's actions don't seem so odd to me...just genetic!
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