Monday, August 20, 2007


We were excited that Mom and Dad were able to make it down for the weekend. Colin and I didn't have any big projects planned, but Dad wanted at least one project. That is when the decision to install the fan in the living room came about. We have had the fan itself for about 3 months, but hadn't found the time to install it. There wasn't even an overhead light in our living room so this was going to be one large project.

To start the day, Colin and Dad went and played 9 holes then returned to start the fan job. When Mom and I returned from the store they were still making a game plan and they told us that they were going to wait to cut the hole in the ceiling until they were sure they could get power there. Well.................. that was a short lived plan. We went outside for a few minutes and when I came back in for water, there was a hole in the ceiling. Their philosophy was, "If there is a hole made then we will make it happen."

A little electrical work.

The project turned into much more the moment Colin went into the attic. It was super hot and the blow-in insulation wasn't making it more comfortable. After the initial attempt, they decided to open both hatches to the attic and let the swamp cooler do it's job in the attic. After the cooling period...... it was time for them to get down and dirty.

The destruction.

It was like an explosion occurred in our living room. There was blow in insulation and garbage everywhere, but the job was getting done. It took Colin laying down in the blow-in insulation, a lot of sweating, duck walking across the trusses, even one shock............. but we now have light in our living room. It is nice not to have to sit in the dark now after the sun goes down. Thanks for all of the hard work Dad and Colin.

Reading with Grandma.

While the guys did their thing Mom and Jason got some quality time in. They played in the back yard, read books and went for many walks with the wagon. Grandma just goes and goes and poor Jason finally gave into exhaustion.

Grandma makes Jason tired.

On one of their walks, mom noticed that the wagon wasn't turning well. You see, Jason usually helps by leaning into the corners, but to mom's surprise, he had fallen to sleep. To ensure he didn't fall out of the wagon, mom had to buckle his seat belt. They made it back to the house safe, but Jason sure was tired.

A little help from a little boy that can make a huge mess.

When we woke up the next morning we ate on the deck because the weather was amazing. But we couldn't have predicted that the yellow jackets would make their attack. Dad and Colin were swinging their hats around, smashing plates, and occasionally smashing a yellow jacket. It was quite a sight. I wish I had pictures of it, but I guess it will just have to remain in my memories. Jason watched them swinging their hats and smashing them against the table and being the copycat he is, he now does it too. Although he isn't chasing down a yellow jacket, he does get the occasional dog.

Mom and Dad left in the morning after breakfast and we decided that we would start painting in the living room. I know that you can't stop watching Jason for a second, but I did and he dipped his brush in the pain and decided to join in on the fun. He can really make a mess in short order.

Painting, you can see the new fan in this pic too.

We haven't finished the painting yet and probably won't until next weekend, but we sure do love our living room now and are making this house ours with every drop of paint on the walls (even the ones on the floor). I hope all of you have a great week. And I would love it if people would give us suggestions for names, both boy and girl names. Colin and I were at a loss with Jason and was Baby Boy Moody for a while before we finally named him. Suggestions are always welcome here. Have fun everyone.


amy said...

That picture of your mom and Jason is priceless.

Maggie said...

Oh fun times... Colin and Shane are such great guys! I love the wagon pictures... just like Jason falling asleep in the Jeep!

I'll start thinking on the names... Did Colin abandon the idea of using Geology names?

Moody Family said...

We just can't think of any names... but geology names are always welcome too. Names are just so hard to come up with. I like the name Ann for a girl, but can't think of a good middle name. Any suggestions?

coalesm said...

how about Ann Marie... Your middle name and mine... ha ha ha... just an idea.. so how is the newest little Moody making Mama Moody feel??? hopefully you are feeling great.. I am so excited that you're having another little one! YEAH for babies.. you're a fabulous mom!