Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Little known tidbits

Amy had a great idea of sharing things about ourselves. So, I figured I would join in on the fun. But when I tried to think of things it was really a lot harder than I thought it would be. This is what I came up with.

1. I cry every time I watch Dumbo. I don't know why, but those Disney movies get to me.

2. When it comes to meeting people, I get nervous and try to cover it up by talking and I usually end up talking way too much. I am sure this is a big surprise to all of you that know me since I talk all of the time anyway (it can get worse). It is just a crutch.

3. I secretly write short stories all of time. They make me laugh. It is silly since I write them myself, but I can't help it. The only person that hears the stories is Jason. Colin doesn't even know that I do this.

4. Even though I love good beer, Keystone Light tastes just fine to me. I do like the occasional stout though. Home brews are always welcome too. But, I mainly stick to Key Light.

5. My favorite color is green, but I also love orange. I don't tell people that because I love to give my dad a hard time about liking orange so much. Green and orange go really well together though.

6. I am starting to like Casper. We are meeting people, we have great neighbors that watch our house when we are gone, and I absolutely love my house. Sorry Colin......

7. I don't give bums money because I feel like they can get jobs. It is a little harsh, I know, but I just don't feel right about it. I have given a family a loaf of bread and a pound of lunch meat one time though. They were in the walmart parking lot begging for money so I gave them food. That is the only time I have given anything to a person begging with a sign.

8. The last is kind of silly but oh so true. I like to watch cartoons. Having Jason has just given me a chance to watch them with a full time excuse. Sure there are some that I don't like, but Spongebob, The Backyardagains, and Mickey Mouse are just great.

I think that is enough for now. You all are probably a little surprised by some of this, but hey what can I do. Have a great week everyone....................


Maggie said...

Ah we are so similar my bestest buddy! Except I don't write short stories and I hate cheap beer.

amy said...

Lori...You and Adam would get along SO well. He shares your #7 philosophy whole-heartedly.

Moody Family said...

WOOOO!!!!!HOOOOO!!!!!!!! Just happy to hear I am not alone on that.

amy said...

Oh yeah, he likes cheap beer too...He's all about the Pabst! Tries to convince me it's good by saying it won a blue ribbon.

p.s. Disney movies always make me cry too. :)