Eating Cherries is turned into an event.
We all watched the show Super Size Me................but I am talking about a much healthier type of supersize. Crissy had mentioned that even the simple days sound interesting. I have to give the credit to Jason. With him everything is supersized.If it is the excitement of seeing his first big red balloon or just a simple trip to the grocery store. Bringing home a bike is very exciting (it is a good looking Gardenboy pointed out), but for Jason it caused quite the wild time. When we got home, he got on it, squealed and then jumped off and did the worm on the floor (quite the site I must say).
Many of us know how exciting it is to get a new book, but Jason didn't just get a little excited...........he wanted to carry it through the store and cried when the cashier had to scan it. We brought 3 new books home on Sunday (one being quite long) and we have almost memorized them all. Even his love for reading is supersized.
Jason with his new Curious George book.............he loves monkeys.
My favorite supersized moment is when Colin gets home from work. If Jason hears his vehicle he screams DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then he runs around the living room, up the hallway, back to the living room.......screaming DAD!!!!!!!! over and over. It is so cute and such a cool thing to witness.I have mentioned the really wonderful things that are supersized, but it can also go the other way............. big time. You may think I am joking, but I have to say this couldn't be more true. Jason's emotions are supersized to the max.
If he runs out of juice it is the end of the world. He gets to upset that it is difficult to understand what he is trying to say. It begins with a little cry and turns into this huge scream fest. But, the second he gets his juice everything is right with the world.
Speaking of end of the world moments. Here is a supersized one for you. When it is too hot I take Jason to the mall to walk around and run. There aren't many people there during the day and he can look at the puppies at the pet store too (he likes the kittens better). It is just a perfect thing to burn off his mega energy supply. I brought him last week, before it cooled off, and I decided to let him play on the kiddy toys. He wanted to ride the bus, but I didn't have any money. Jason didn't care........he jumped in the drivers seat and started to drive. After about 15 minutes of having the time of his life (The bus never moved, but it made him so happy) it was time to go. I told him we had to go and he replied "NO!" I grabbed him and stood him next to the bus and tried to make the transfer to hold his hand. He screamed "NO" at the top of his lungs again and tried to get back in the bus. I pulled him back and repeated myself saying "we have to go Jason." Instead of just crying and coming with he had a supersized tantrum, right there in the mall. He threw his body back, his head smacked the floor and the screaming started. Taking my moms advice I let him throw his fit and let everyone around watch. After about 15 minutes of this all I could hear was the blood pumping through my body as I scanned the huge crowd that was watching. I kept on looking at Jason and then his audience. Finally, after realizing this wasn't going to end any time soon, I picked him up and walked all of the way through the mall with him under my arm until I got to the exit near my vehicle. You would think that the tantrum would have ended there, but it didn't. Jason is a stubborn child and won't give up easily. That tantrum was supersized, it lasted for over 2 hours. Jason was ready for a nap when it was over and I was partially deaf. Oh the fun of it.
His boo boos are supersized too. Monday when I bought him the trike, he had a huge wreck. You may be wondering how a little one can wreck a trike...................I am telling you it wasn't pretty. He tipped it over, falling into the TV stand and smashing the soft spot behind his ear on the sharp corner. It was bad enough it almost warranted a trip to the emergency room, but he survived and even got up on his trike ride again so he could feel that wind blowing through what little hair he has. So, his wrecks are supersized too.
So, I have to say thanks to Jason. He gives me a lot to write about and gives Colin and I daily adventures to share with you. Have a great weekend everyone. I will have a lot to post on Tuesday when we return from one of our many big trips this month. Since plans change a isn't a river trip this weekend, but it has morphed into a camping trip up by Meeteetse. So you Meeteetse Warners and Coales watch out we are coming your way....................
And if you ever come to Vermont you can stay with the Vermont Warner.
We all love Jason for all the entertainment we get to read! I love all those stories, even the bad ones. You are such a good Mom, even in those bad moments!!! Can't wait to see you SOON!!!!
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