Monday, June 25, 2007

Weekend Fun

As I mentioned in my previous post, Jason was with his Grandma Denise and Grandpa Shane for the weekend. Of course he had a wild weekend of fun planned. His adventures included swimming, playing with his cousins, attending a wedding and the always fun playing with Grandpa and Grandma. He was quite exhausted when we picked him up yesterday, a sign that he had too much fun. I am still waiting for pics from Mom, but I will post those when I get them.

Colin and I had a fun weekend planned too. It all began with a quiet night for me and a bachelor party for Colin. Our friends Brian and Teresa got married last weekend so it was party central in the city of Casper.

After making an early night of it we prepped for Grandpa and Grandma Donner to arrive. They were making a tour of grandchildren and we were the first stop. It was a blast and reminded me how much fun those Donner parties can be, HA!HA!HA! We had an opportunity to show them our house and catch up on everything that has happened since Christmas. It was a lot of fun and we can't wait for them to make their next visit.

Colin with Grandpa and Grandma on the deck.
Saturday was very busy. It began with saying goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma and then saying hello to Chad (in for a few days from the North Slope of Alaska). The wedding was to begin at 2 and knowing it was a Catholic wedding we felt it was our duty to prep in a propper manner. So, it was Irish whiskey, Baileys, and Guiness all of the way. Car bombs were on the lunch menu. I personally don't appreciate the way that the Baileys curdles in the whiskey, so I stuck to beer and shots of Baileys. The wedding was beautiful and the goal was achieved. They exited 1.5 hours later as Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone. Then it was time to party. The food was great and as always a good time when geologists are involved.

From Left to Right: Mrs. Teresa Blackstone, Mr. Brian Blackstone and Chad Eddy (party animals!!)

After enjoying the food, the open bar and good company we made our way back to the house. The evening was a success and Brian and Teresa looked amazing. Congrats Guys!!!!

Dancing the night away!
Sunday it was off to pick up Jason (we missed him sooooooo bad and couldn't wait to have him back). And Chad was off to Fort Collins to catch a flight back to Alaska. It was a wonderful weekend and I have to say that Colin and I don't want to leave Jason with anyone else for a very long time. We just miss him too much when we are apart. I hope all of you had a great weekend too. Keep up the good work on the vaca Maggie. Talk to you all soon..........................

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Woo hoo you party animals! Sounds like you had a blast, and I'm glad you had some adult play time!

Of course we ALL miss Jason when we are apart. Can't wait to see you soon!!!