One thing we rarely think about is the parallels to a babies life. Using Jason as an goes................
Numbing those gums.
First for work. Every day he learns new things. It is his job to make work for me. He dirties diapers, has to try to say new words, and is always working on new mannerisms. We can't forget working on cutting teeth.....that is a big one that Jason would be angry if it didn't make the list.A little experiement....Hypothesis: noodles wont stay on a fork............You can find the results in a paper, to be published at a later date.
Second is cleaning. Without him we wouldn't have much. He does help wipe down the table from time to time, but his super chore is making things dirty.Third is driving. Unlike us, his car stays inside. Though it does need regular tune ups which is does with none other than a hanger and his foot. He even wrecks it from time to time and always seems to recover quickly.
Making repairs after a big wreck. This lesson: using the foot wrench.
So, as you see kids have it rough too. Jason especially has a tough time of it as you can see. Oh aren't we so glad that we aren't kids anymore.............just too much to deal with for this chic's liking.
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