Friday, December 11, 2009

It is beging to look a lot like Christmas!!!

The cold cold cold.... it was only -15 when I took this pic.

The boys wearing off some of the energy by jumping on the bed.

A photo with the alum-nut fam.

The snow came with a lot of cold.... I mean really cold. We have been couped up indoors with below zero temps for a week now and we are very ready for it to be above the zero mark. To fill the time we have been playing hard and laughing a lot as usual.


More tree action.

Last weekend was full of fun and excitement. Mom and dad came Saturday to visit and play Santa. Sunday Connie and Jay came and helped us get our decorate on. It was a wonderful weekend and our tree is up and we are enjoying the lights.

I hear rumors that it is supposed to warm up next week and we are keeping our fingers crossed. Jason and Jake are patiently waiting for Christmas to get here. This means that Jason only asks two or three times a day if Christmas is here yet. The patience is strong in that one. It is a great Dec.

We have been attending parties, playing, wrapping gifts, singing songs and preparing for the big day..... I really should say big days. Next week Jason has his first Christmas program. Next up is Christmas. Then there is our 7th anniversary and on to Jason's 4th birthday. All of that will be complete just in time for New Years!!!!!

As always we are cramming it all in and loving it. I do have to admit, I gave Colin his gift early. This happens every year, but this year I really couldn't wait. The boys and I got him a PS3 and he loves it. We also got him some blu ray movies and games. The kids are amazed by it and we love all of the extras. It is pretty cool.

Now I have to get back to baking...... Have a wonderful week. I will try to post pics of Jason's program next weekend. Sending a lot of smiles, well wishes, and happy thoughts out to all of you....................

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