Friday, May 22, 2009

I like to move it move it!!!

WE ARE MOVED!!!! Kind of. Most of our stuff is at the new house and we spent the night here last night. We have some small stuff to move and a whole lot of cleaning. Oh and I forgot to mention a ton of unpacking. It is a little overwhelming so I am taking a quick break. We were very lucky to have Colin's parents come over to help... It was a task. I started to clean and paint as soon as we closed Wednesday (our coffee pot died that morning as well) and when Jay and Connie got here, Jay helped too. As soon as we finished painting, Colin and his dad moved a load over. That was the first of many many loads. That night I cleaned carpets while Connie took care of the boys and the men brought load after load leaving it in the garage. The next day Colin had to work so Jay and I had at it. We got most of the stuff moved in starting with the boys' bedrooms... They love them by the way. By the time Colin got off of work, there were just a few large things to move. A friend came over to help Colin because Jay and I were spent. Connie had the huge task of riding herd on the boys.... very exhausting. Last night was our first night in the new house. It was lovely. We all slept like logs due to the exhaustion and a bit of alcohol. It was wild to wake up in our own house. I can't believe we own it. Today I am going to unpack and then we will clean the other house tomorrow when there are two of us to wrangle the boys. It has been a process and I can barely walk due to tired legs, but we are so close to the finish line. At this point we are running on fumes, but it is all worth it. I will post pictures soon, but now it is back to unpacking. Have a great long weekend everyone!!!!

1 comment:

amy said...


(and that's so weird...our coffeemaker died yesterday too...hmmm...)