After hunting and hunting what was lost now is found. I have to say that the first place I will look in the future will be the toy box. Since my last post a lot has been going on. Jason hatched his first foam turtle, I joined a gym, we took the boys swimming at a pool here in town, and Jason had a checkup for his eyes.
Truck ride for the men.
My big football man.

We don't let the cold keep us from our walks.
I have to start with the turtle. Grandpa Jay and Grandma Connie got Jason a science project for his birthday. It is a fake egg with a foam turtle in it. We submerged it in water and then over time the absorbed the water and grew cracking through the egg and growing even more. It took about 72 hours and it was complete. The following pictures show the eggs progress.
At this point Jason realized it wasn't a real turtle and was a little distraught, but then decided that was ok and the excitement continued.
I also joined the fitness center here in town this week..... just another thing to keep me busy. They have this great play room and the kids love it there. In fact the first day Jason didn't want to leave so I had to drag him up the stairs and to the pickup. Then in the parking lot he had a massive fit and threw himself on the ground. The crying finally stopped an hour later. The next day was much better, but Jason looks forward to going to the gym every day.
Night before last some friends called and suggested that we all go swimming. So, we bundled up the boys and gathered all of our swimming stuff to go for a dip. It sure is a luxury having the hot springs right here. The boys had a blast. As always Jason didn't want to leave, but Jake was falling asleep right there in the pool. It was time, but we will go back soon.
Yesterday the boys and I headed to Cody for Jason's eye appointment. As I always say, he is doing great. We just got the confirmation on that. His glasses have been a miracle. He is more confident, happy, and loves to discover new things. One of the strangest developments since he got his glasses is that he is sure there are monsters in his closet and he is now afraid of the dark. In the past he could never see the shadows and now he sees it all. So, every day Colin reassures him and does a closet check. It is kind of cute.... Thank God for glasses and developmental screenings.
I hope everyone is having a great week. Take care of yourselves. I will keep on posting pics now that the camera has been found. Have fun................
My sweet ones relaxing last night.
The boys sit at the table to eat every morning for breakfast.... Jake doesn't even fall off of his chair.... So sweet.
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