Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunt

Today we made the big exciting trip up the mountain to get a Christmas tree. We began with a cranky Jason and a very happy, but equally tired Jacob. The Franks boys were so ready to make their kill and mom and dad were just ready to watch all of us on this exciting day. Colin and I were so couldn't wait to take the boys to get there first Christmas tree...... that wasn't from a store.
Grandma Denise with the grandsons minus Jacob.
Colin, Jake and Dave ready to bring in the bounty.
Jason and I trying to take a self portrait............
Grandpa ready to see what we can find..... he had his doubts.
It wasn't long and we were on the hunt. I am one of those people that doesn't really get into shopping or anything like that..... it turns out, my patients for tree hunting is very similar. I picked a tree out before we even got out of the car. Sure, we looked around a little more to find one for mom and dad. Dave and his boys were trying to find the perfect tree as well. After a little more looking we found mom and dads tree and then chopped the two down. Dave and the boys had to look far and wide to find the perfect catch. While they did that we ate and tied the tree to the top of the Envoy..... didn't get a picture, but I really should of.... it was very hillbilly, but effective. Once we were finished, we heard the Franks boys coming our way with the perfect
tree. I think Jennifer will be proud of her men.
Colin and Jason going out to look at the tree I picked.
Jason waiting to use the saw.
Jason and Colin working hard.
Grandpa Shane leading the pack.
Sitting in front of our tree before it was cut.
Overall it was a great adventure. But, there was still one more step.... decorating the tree. We got right to it when we got home. To our surprise, Jason didn't want to help and Jake could care less about the tree. So, Colin and I enjoyed ourselves and decorated without assistance. Now we have an awesome tree and are totally in the Christmas mode. I hope all of you had a great weekend and I will post more soon, enjoy!!!!
Our fam in front of our kill.
Our finished product.

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