Just wanted to let everyone that heared about the tornado here in Casper know that all is well here. I watched it form as the clouds passed over our house. When I looked up you could see a distinct outer wall and a hollow center.... pretty crazy. Just as I tried to take video and pictures my camera died. Then the hail began to fall..... quarter to golf ball sized..... I saved a chunk in the freezer. It dented a neighbors pickup, but our car was in the garage. The tornado passed our house and touched down east of us.... THANK GOD!!!! I hope all of you are having better spring weather.... till next time.
Batteries have a nasty way about them sometimes.
Are tornadoes something that happens much in Wyoming? For some reason I have never thought of Wyoming as a tornado type state.
Glad to see all the boys in your family are doing fine, as well as you of course.
I don't think tornados are common, but Casper is a whole other world within Wyoming. This is our first since we have been here and it really made my heart beat fast. The hail was the most frightening since I wasn't sure if it was a tornado until it passed my house.
tornados scare the crap out of me. glad you guys are ok.
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