Thursday, December 6, 2007


Digging some air.

One of my favorite things about the holiday season is the traditions that come with it. In my family we have traditions throughout the year. Even though I love the fact that every person gets to pick what will be cooked on their birthday, the holiday traditions just stand out.

Some of our traditions are shared by other families, such as puting up a tree and stockings, but we do have one that makes the season for me. Every Christmas Eve my mom cooks chili and oyster stew. For those of you that don't know my mom............. she is a heck of a cook. The lady makes almost everything homemade and it all tastes wonderful. Even though I don't care for oyster stew, the fishy smell mixed with the spicy chili smell make Christmas Eve complete. I have only missed a few of these meals in the past. There have only been tow in recent years, one because I was 9 months pregnant and couldn't travel (Jason was born the 30th of Dec that year) and the other was spent with Colin's family. We have a great time there and seeing the whole family is a lot of fun, but somehow, I always miss the smells of Christmas Eve. This year, we are spending that evening with Colin's family again. It will be a good time with good food, excellent company, and full of gifts, but I will still miss those smells.

Christmas Day has always been important too. My whole family gathers and we have a feast. Not your average feast either, it is HUGE!!! Mom always cooked turkey (my favorite) and everything else that you can imagine. The desert table is full of homemade pies along with other deserts. Sometimes there are only 6 of us, but I do remember Christmas Days with over 20 people. Tables lined up end to end and rolls being tossed the length of the table with skill. This year we are still getting together, but there is another special component added to the day, it is going to be at my sisters house. It should be a lot of fun and I look forward to the extra loud meal with every kind of food you can dream of.

My Grandma Donner started a tradition too. Every Christmas she and my Grandpa give all of their kids and grandkids ornaments. They aren't your average ornaments, she makes them. They are ceramic ornaments each made with love. So, by the time Colin and I had our own tree, I was able to fill it with the ornaments she had given me throughout the years. I am always excited to open the package and see what she has created. It is such a cool gift that always impresses. Jason has already began collecting his, so by the time he has his own tree he will be able to fill it. I just love tradition.

I can't wait to see which traditions Jason and his little brother love. It will also be a wonderful day when we can finally have a holiday at home. I think this is in our near future. Starting new traditions will be so exciting.

Do any of you have traditions that stand out? Please share........... Maybe we can get some more ideas. Have a great weekend everyone and take care.........................


amy said...

when we were kids, we always had "make your own pizza" on christmas eve. Mom would make the dough and then we got to choose our own toppings. And then we always had an ice cream cake for dessert. good times! funny, i was thinking about this the other day...i think if we have kids someday, i might start a tradition of pulling them out of school for one day to go hiking, looking for our tree and make cookies, etc. how could would that be??

amy said...

i meant "cool" - not "could" - duh.