The Blue Beast. Mom found it at a garage sale...... Thank you Mom!!!!!
This jogger has acquired a worthy name after proving to me that it can do almost anything. You see, since I have had Jason, walking with two ill mannered dogs and a baby by myself has been a challenge. So, the poor dogs have missed out on a lot of fun. I tried this jogger when Jason was younger and it just didn't seem to work for the little man, but I tried one more time yesterday. It can go over rocks, through creeks, over cactus, and just keeps on going. We went on a true off road adventure. The Blue Beast worked like a charm, except for the fact that it would shake Jason so much that his hat would fall off (causing huge crying fits). The dogs did ok and I can tell you that Moe will learn how to walk on a leash well if it is the only thing we work on for the rest of her life. I would have let her roam with Mae, but she has this nasty habit of chasing antelope. If the antelope are at a safe distance it isn't a problem and I let her run, but that wasn't the case. The antelope are in the rut right now. So, they saw me as a pest. We had a follower for our entire walk. He didn't follow at a distance either, he was about 15 feet behind us snorting and grunting the whole time. I threw a rock at him trying to get him to leave us alone, but my aim leaves a lot of room for improvement. Despite all of the distractions and issues, I wasn't going to let it stop me from getting a good walk in. So we kept on going. After about an hour I decided to turn around and head home. I have to say two hours of crying, barking, grunting, and snorting........ I was ready to be done. It is discouraging that I didn't make it as far in two hours as I used to (pre-Jason), but I think I got more of a workout dealing with all of the walkers. I plan on attempting this again this morning........ hopefully without a follower. At this point I am just wondering how I will do this with two kids. I have few months to work out this problem, hopefully by the beginning of April I will have some possible solutions figured out.
Speaking of the newest Moody....... Many have asked for pictures of my growing belly. I will have to keep you waiting for a little longer. At this point I am at the, it looks like I ate 20 or more too many donuts stage. So, once the deflated balloon grows enough to get a little more of the round shape I will show a pic. I can tell you that I haven't wore normal pants for a few weeks and am gaining size every day. It shouldn't be a long wait.
Hopefully Karen and Maggie will begin to feel better and Crissy will post news of Jackson's arrival........ We are thinking of all of you. Take care and have a great weekend.
sounds like you earned yourself a pint of B&J's...
it's crazy to me that when you go out walking - there are antelope! get a pic sometime, i'd love to see them
Okay that story of the antelope cracked me up! I can see all of you getting aggro'd on this walk!
nice ride you have there...
try velcro-ing his hat to his head...
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