To start this tale of snow I have to first mention the good. As you all know we desperately need moisture. Well, I think we have found it. I just hope it is enough to make a dent in the drought. It sure appears to be a lot. We started with 12 hours of a good, steady rain and then it has been snowing since. For those of you in Wyoming, you know what I mean. For those of you out of state, it is a blizzard to say the least. Currently there is over 8 inches of accumulation on the ground. I know that because I just got back inside after a long shoveling effort.
Looking across the street over our driveway.
Looking out the front door over the yard.
Now for the Ugly. Colin will back me up on this since he has just experienced an ugly moment this morning. There are many people stranded or stuck all over the place because they just don’t have 4 wheel drive. Colin’s story began this morning about 7:30. His work pickup had warmed up and was ready to go. But, recently he had been having problems getting it to kick into 4 wheel drive and the tires are not in great shape. Today was one of those days. We happen to live in the one part of Casper with a lot of hills. By adding the slick roads into the mix, Colin was in trouble. Going down the hills was fine, but there was a small hill that has a light at the top that ate his lunch. After stopping, he couldn’t recover. There was traffic backed up behind him. Some vehicles went around, but many were just stuck behind him. To allow traffic to go by he turned onto a side road with even deeper snow and more hills. Since he was only 4 blocks from our house he figured he would attempt to make it home and just take his own pickup to work. That was the only logical decision, but we live at the top of the hill. After some struggle he had to leave the pickup on a side street. There just wasn’t any way to get it to work or home. He was stuck. So, he walked the 4 blocks in blizzard conditions. After changing he made it to work in our blue pickup. The 4 wheel drive and good tires made all of the difference. So, I would like to wish you well Colin and hope your day starts to look up. For all of the rest of you on the roads today, good luck and drive careful. I am hoping you have 4 wheel drive as well. A little extra help from that can go a long way. Enjoy the snow and I look forward to seeing more pictures from around the state. Till next time……………..
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