Monday, November 14, 2011

Family Picture Day

Here are some of our favorite pictures from family picture day!  Dusty Lewis did a great job! Thank you!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bring on November!

Each November we all gather to celebrate dad's birthday. As always this year was spectacular. Happy birthday dad! He had all four grand kids there to help him blow out his candles.

Once we were finished celebrating we came home to piles of snow:). The boys were so excited that they spent all day building snow castles despite the fact their hands were going numb. Hello winter! We are thrilled and excited for many more days in the snow!

- Enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2011


This year we had two super heroes! It was awesome! The boys had a chance to go to Halloween parties and they made a haul trick or treating. A success!

Jason at the Halloween parade at his school.

Jake at his school party.

The kids weren't the only ones that had fun. We had a Halloween party too. The theme was famous couples and each guest had to bring a dish with cheese as an ingredient. I must say that our friends are very creative. Here are some pics!

Can you see us?

It is time for the perfect cheer.

The perfect breakfast.

And bin laden has been eliminated.


A party wouldn't be a party without Kermit and miss piggy.

Beauty and the beast.

Good and bad.

The potato heads!

Straight from Alice in underland.

There is no better costume for an electrician.

A taste of grease with a touch of bumble bee.

A-Rod and Cameron Diaz

Hope all of you had a great October:)
Now onto November fun!
- Enjoy!