Before I get to today's report... I have to tell you about our story time adventure yesterday. Every Wednesday we go to the library for story time. They usually read some books, sing some songs, dance, and do an art project. The kids have a blast. This week there was an extra special theme... EASTER!!! Miss Tracey read the kids a few books and then it was outside for the great Easter egg hunt. Before the ribbon blocking off the area was cut I explained to Jason that he was supposed to pick up the eggs and put them in the basket... he replied, "I know mom... don't worry." Before I could respond the ribbon was cut and Jason was off on his own. He wanted to do it himself so I let him. I helped Jake get around the library lawn and he picked up his own eggs. He got six all by himself. I had to help him put them in his basket, but he did the rest. When I caught up with Jason I was surprised to see his basket was completely full. Boy was that boy proud. They had so much fun and we can't wait for the big egg hunt on Sunday in the state park. It should be a lot of fun. I did take pictures yesterday, but once again I am having a difficult time uploading them.... I will try again later.
Today the boys and I went down to the clinic for Jacobs 1 year checkup. It was so cool and my boys are amazingly wonderful. Jason was my helper this morning. He made his brother laugh and kept him happy through most of the appointment. After Jake got his shots he was really upset so I held him close and Jason came over and kissed his boo boos... it was sweet. Jacob is doing very well. He is 20.75 pounds and 29.5 in tall. It is official... he is off of formula and can eat anything we put in front of him.... WOOO!!!HOOOO!!!!!! Our little man is extra healthy. We know that our little man is extraordinary, but it is always wonderful to hear his doc say the same.
As I said, I will try to get those pics up soon. If I don't post again before Easter... Happy Easter everyone. Take care and have safe travels.........................