Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It has been a very long time since I have shared pictures with all of you so here goes. My little men are growing up fast as you can clearly see and we are all doing very well. I hope all of you enjoy this quick look at all of us. Enjoy and I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Our little family

The boys at the park

J-Man enjoying the slide

Jake sending a shout out

Jake showing off his diaper butt

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Almost ready for solids

It is official... squirter has another tooth. He now has his two bottom front teeth. It is pretty cute. One is barelly in and the other is like a super prong. By the way, they are sharp. He is perfecting the art of biting. At least this crying, screaming, no sleep, fussy man has had a reason for all of the termoil. Oh and when he bites his toungue, the teeth aren't near as cool as when he bites me (my pain makes him laugh, what a loving son). Have a good one.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Break Through

With a huge sigh of relief, I can now report that we are all getting past our colds... They really make the rounds when there are 6 people in one house. But we are all feeling much better. Jason is loving preschool. He might only go once a week, but lord that kid is happy when I drop him off and cries like a wild animal when I pick him up. It really is much harder on me than him. Jacob and I like the time with just us, but we sure miss that big boy. I am glad it is only 2 hours for now, next year it will be more, but this is a good way for me to transition. Jacob had a big break through the other day as well.... he didn't break through anything, but a tooth sure did break through his gums. My littlest man is now a single pronger. It is sooooo cute. I wish it was easy to photograph, but it is his bottom left. I can't wait to share his tooth filled pics when his tooth gets out a little further. Just wanted to give a little update. Hope all is well. Take care and I will keep all of you up on the exciting happenings around here......... you know, the fun never stops.

Monday, September 8, 2008

go go go!!!!

Time just seems to fly by in huge segments every time I blink. Jason is growing up like a mad man..... crazy mad man to tell you the truth. Last week he started his first step toward going to school. He is now in a toddler school called toddler time. When we were kids... this same type of class was called Tiny Tots... oh the times have changed. This still involves a lot of playing, quite a bit of art time and a good dose of socialization.... both the good and the bad... and lucky for us, he brought his first cold home (we all are getting it by the way). This brings me to Jake. Oh the big little tiddly winks man. He is goofy through and through. That little boy seems to smile even when sick... but sleep is another story. Since he contracted the goo stuff that J-Man brought home... sleep has been a thing of the past. Yesterday we even moved the freezer out of mom and dads kitchen to make room for the crib.... Yes... you heared me right..... Beebers new room is the kitchen... Rock on little man. Today I am bringing him to the doc hoping a little antibiotics will nip this issue in the bud... we will see. On the house front..... Well much of the same. We did get an offer that fell through. But after lowering the price significantly we have had a lot, I mean a lot of foot traffic.... PLEASE SELL!!!! Jason keeps asking to go to Jason's house and gets mad that we are just at grandma's, but he is very excited to decorate his new room... wherever that may be, in the Hulk.... How he knows about the Hulk... I don't know, but he sure seems to like the idea of him. I might let him watch that cartoon when he is old enough to read the comics... we will see. As for Jakers... he is too young to know what is normal and what is not.... we are just focussed on getting him better and catching up on sleep. By the way... he is able to get to anything he wants to on the floor, not by crawling yet (oh so close though), he basically scoots and rolls everywhere. He is a wild baby. My aunt, Casey tells me that it looks like he is wrestling me because he never stops moving... he is deffinately a Scott. Colin and I are basically the same. Every few weeks Colin is out on a rig for a period of time (1-3 weeks) and the boys and I hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. We do spend much of our time at the library... oh and my golfing skills are improving by the day... Oh Yes!!! I am an avid golfer... but the skill level is still that of a toddler... Jason is as good as me... but it sure is fun. Just wanted to check in with all of you and let you know we are still kicking..... and the fun never ends. Hope all is well with each and every one of you. Take care and enjoy the fall... YIPPY!!!! GO COATS!!!