Colin, Jason and I have been so busy trying to do things around the house and playing that not much else has crossed our minds. For instance, over the weekend we touched up some paint around the house, cleaned up some of the yard (parts that weren't covered by a glacier), and Colin even layed down some peel and stick tile in the bathroom (By Maggie's suggestion and it looks much better on only cost $14). It seemed as though we were forgetting something. THE BABY!!!!
If you saw me, you wouldn't know how we could forget that it is getting oh so close. Sure I feel ready and I know I am large and close to the end, but procrastination is an amazing thing. Every week we mention that we need to get stuff for the baby and we need to wash all of the newborn clothes, but we end up puting it off. A few weekends ago we went through the stuff in the basement and separated the baby stuff out, but that is as far as we got. I was even having contractions, enough to worry my doc, and we still didn't get too motivated. After doing most of our stuff over the weekend, we finally realized that there is a good chance we only have 4 weeks left. If you look at the countdown on the right of the page, even if I go to my due date, time is limited.
It hit us hard yesterday and we finally went to Target (one of my favorite stores) and got the basics that we will need. Thank goodness we have pretty much everything we will need for the new little man (left over from Jason). It saved us a lot of money. But, there were the necessary things like diapers, stuff for feeding, a couple of blankets since Jason won't be giving his up any time soon, a little gift from his big brother (Jason picked out a very cute frog that sings the ABC's), you know....the basics. To our surprise we spent less than $120 and we had it all. A huge difference from when we first had Jason. Even when you only buy the basics, things add up. But at least we have a better idea of what to expect this time around.
When we got home I washed all of the bottles and the pump attachments. Today I am going to wash some baby clothes. That way if something comes up we will be all ready. I just can't believe that we are as close as we are. We are going to be a family of 4........... It blows my mind every time I say that. But we have enough supplies to make it through the first couple of weeks at least. Then of course it will be back to the store for more diapers.
I have to say, our biggest worry is not the labor/delivery part, it is bringing the baby home and helping Jason adjust to being a big brother. He will do OK, I am sure, but when that baby stays and doesn't go home with someone else, he won't be happy for a while. For now things are going well. He runs up to me, lifts my shirt and talks to his brother. A couple of weeks ago, he ran up to me, lifted my shirt, put a truck against it and said "OK brother, we play now." When nothing happened he put his lips right against my belly and yelled it louder since the only reason his little brother didn't just come out to play was that he couldn't hear him clearly. It was very upsetting when the little man never came out and Jason had to play trucks with me instead. Little things like that happen all of the time. Jason loves to put his hands or his face on my belly and feel the baby move around. He tells him that he loves him all of the time and hugs my belly to show affection. We just hope he will be that loving when we bring his brother home, but I know it will be a transition to say the least.
So, no more procrastination, we are getting with it and facing the reality that we are going to have a second kid sooner than later. Just wanted to share what is happening around here. No pictures today, I am just losing my energy. I will have some soon. But, for now, Wild Man and I are going to enjoy our time together. We are going to play trucks and dinosaurs (Jason's new favorite thing), and just have fun. I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. I will keep you updated. Enjoy and we look forward to hearing some of your stories. Take care.................